Huzzah! *brings his LJ rant over here*
On the FFXII demo - It has the absolute WORST combat system I've ever seen. I mean, did they TRY to make it suck? Did they sit around in the planning room and say, "Gee, I wonder how we can make the worst combat system ever seen in an RPG?" They must have, because there's no other freakin' excuse for this. Actually, that isn't a good excuse either, but at least if that were the case I could say "Good job."
Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. Words cannot express how utterly disgusted I am by that game. Good thing I've never been a Final Fantasy fanboy, because I would probably be sobbing my eyes out at how horrible this piece of garbage is.
However, on the other hand, Dragon Quest VIII totally rocks. Except the voice acting. :\ Everyone has very obviously faked (and faked BADLY, I might add) British accents. Except the fortune-teller's daughter. She has a very obviously faked Russian accent that's bad. Bleh. I turned off the voices in that game, because they're so bad. I'm surprised that Squenix couldn't pull out good voices for this. They did good on FFX-2 (as bad as the game was, it at least had good voices) and the voices on Star Ocean 3 were quite good. Kingdom Hearts had stellar voice acting. What happened with Dragon Quest? And it's not like this is an obscure game series, either.
I'm hoping there will be some interesting plot twists in the game. I really don't want it to be the whole "We're chasing a powerful bad guy who's always one step ahead." I'll accept it if I must, but I'd still like to have a whole lot more to the game than that.
At any rate, this is an EXCELLENT RPG, and I'd say it's a definite must purchase for any fan of the genre.
On another note, how far are you? I just now got Jessica in my party and have gotten to that Abby where the Templars are.