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has god ever spoken to you? if so, what did he say?

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has god ever spoken to you? if so, what did he say?

Postby spectro-king » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:37 pm

this is what god said to me in a chat room today. if god has ever spoken to you, and you wanted to share it, this is the place to do it!

pray. and the lord will be with you. pray right now for an open door of opertunity. that he would bring you up to the next level in him. once we get saved, we are like fish going up stream. other fish will go down, and they will bump into us. the greatest resistance you will ever recieve as a christian is when you are near going through a door, or you get saved. this is when you get the most resistance. sin will try to take you over, but you must master it. the lord is proud of all of you. and he wants to be with you. infact, that is the meaning of life. to be with god.

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Postby animegirl1 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:12 pm

The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby lostlamb99 » Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:21 pm

Yeah plenty of times. Wait did you mean as in 'audible voice' hear him or not? If yes tehn I haven't but I've had thoughts in my head whihc I knwo I oculd ahve never thought of. Oh and i recently had daydreams about what God wants me to do. But basically He talks thru reminders in evryday life and His Holy Word.
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Postby Kaligraphic » Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:27 pm

God talks to me a lot. Just don't expect a spirit to go through physical ears.

He's told me some pretty unexpected things, too.
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Postby spectro-king » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:02 am

lostlamb99 wrote:Yeah plenty of times. Wait did you mean as in 'audible voice' hear him or not? If yes tehn I haven't but I've had thoughts in my head whihc I knwo I oculd ahve never thought of. Oh and i recently had daydreams about what God wants me to do. But basically He talks thru reminders in evryday life and His Holy Word.

no. not in phisical voice. - EXACTLY!! that happens to me all the time! same here. :jump:
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Postby Naga Kisaki » Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:54 pm

FOr a long time I didn't think God was talking to me, but it wasn't more then a year ago that I began to understand his voice in my life.

At first, for my own childish reasons, I think I tried to convince myself that he wasn't talking to ME. THis all happened when I was into some messed up stuff. I was always drawn to the occult, but at the same time scared of it. I'd be walking in the non-fiction section at the library and come across a book on astronomy and reading stars and other books. SO the first time I 'heard' the lord was when he gave me this internal alarm, a strange, hollow feeling in my chest anytime I went near something he didn't approve of, like books of spells, or websites that had lewd content, I would get that hollow feeling and know the lord was telling me to back away.

I think the time god said to me, "I'm here, Believe it. I'll listen." was when My mother was pregnant with my sister, things weretough around the house, and It just didn't seem like our family would make it. One night, I was meditating about our situation, feeling pretty upset, but sure God would get us throh, I can swear he said to my heart, "Ask me. I'll help you through this if you let me."

He did. That was roughly two years ago. Nowadays The Lord and I have been discussing my gift of imagination, and he's telling me that he's unhappy with a lot of sick things people are into that is side-by-side with my own intrest, ((EX: A certain Anime was one I loved, but it was blasphemous. So I had to ease up with clinging to it. Also, I had been writing adult fanfictions. God told me to throw that out too.)) Now Both of us are working on a Script we hope will counter some of the things being shown. If God hadn't told me to, I probably wouldn't have used my gift for him, I would've used it for myself.

So, you want to know if God talks to me? I think so.

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Postby Puguni » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:01 pm

Naga Kisaki wrote:FOr a long time I didn't think God was talking to me, but it wasn't more then a year ago that I began to understand his voice in my life.

At first, for my own childish reasons, I think I tried to convince myself that he wasn't talking to ME. THis all happened when I was into some messed up stuff. I was always drawn to the occult, but at the same time scared of it. I'd be walking in the non-fiction section at the library and come across a book on astronomy and reading stars and other books.

You meant astrology, right? Because...astronomy is just the study of stars and planets and other space phenomena, nothing really occult in that. Unless you are afraid of space. ._.

I know God talks to me through events and the actions of people.
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Postby spectro-king » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:07 pm

yeah I suppose that works! can astronomy really tell you things? like god talking to you? I didn't really think about that before! :sweat:
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Postby skynes » Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:06 am

Physical Voice - God will provide.
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Postby Yamato145 » Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:00 am

only once has he spoken to me in an almost audible way ... he said "Don't worry, he's with me"
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