Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:26 am
Harvest Moon? There have been PS2 Harvest Moon games for a while... There are two of them, I think, though I have only played one to know for sure. N didn't make it, unless by N you mean "Natsume" which is a third party developer, not directly under Nintendo...
And if your dad doesn't like violence at all, FFX would be out... The battle at the end features a bit of blood, even... Taking the sword out of his chest. Then there's the rampant destruction of Sin.
And if he has a problem with violence, he may have a problem with sexual things as well, and the costumes in FFX, more than the other three 3d era FF games, are rather... Revealing, and strangely so... Loin-skirt and Bikini Boots come to mind... Of course, it's both girls and guys [spoiler](buttless and crotchless pants on one Al Bhed guy... Just wearing little speedo underneath...)[/spoiler] but I know a lot of people that would be really bothered by that, though when you play it long enough, you don't really notice anymore...
Also, if you are paying enough attention to pick up on it, there is also the message of the game which, if your Dad is a Christian, may bother him... It bothers me, though I still like the game... So, FFX is not one for the younger ones and if you have conservative parents, I would say no... Don't try for that one... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess