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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:02 pm

It's actually Eternal Devotion.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:27 pm

I still haven't seen last weeks episode... I've got to watch those! *feels left in the dark* man!!
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:33 am

It seems all like a big coincidence because just last week before the weekend you all were talking about the secret alter power and it showed that next episode. Coincidence... I think not (hehehe)!
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Postby Chosen Raven » Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:41 pm

It's actually Eternal Devotion.

Are you sure? Because after I posted, I watched the episode again, and she definitely said Eternal Devote. Are you saying that's what it is in the Japanese version?
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:15 pm

No,I found it on a couple s-CRY-ed fansites when I was trying to find a description of what Cherishe's alter was.Interesting that Kanami might actually have the
one alter power that the mainlanders want the most,or so it seemed from the
ending of last week's ep.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:38 pm

I think it is Eternal Devotion. Isn't that funny? Scheris is 'eternally devoted' to Ryuho, so to speak, and that's her alter... hmm...

EDIT: ^ that was earlier, before I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight... at all. But, I watched the episodes of sCRYed... okay, the first one from two weeks ago, I taped them, ya, so I didn't get it all. It cut off at the end of the tape even before the comercial. So if anybody can remember what happened in that episode, could you tell me about it? Please?

But, I saw last weeks episode. Ah, yes,

[SPOILER]the scene with Konami and Kazuma, when they reunite, it was SO SWEETS!! I love those two's relationship! Its so sweet, so caring... He's like a big brother to her, but better! I don't know what that means, but when you sleep till one pm, and take a nap at six thirty and don't wake up till nine, then don't get any more sleep for the rest of the night (or morning depending on how you look at it), it doesn't matter.l

Anyway, it was funny, when Kazuma and Ryuho were fighting that dude. Scheris and Mimori were like, "Ryuho!" and the Kanamie and Tachibana (? was it? I'm not sure) were like "Kazuma/kun"! respectivly of course. And Ryuho and Kazuma were fighting like children... only they were trading punches.[/SPOILER]

Okay, this is late, seeing as how Saturday's episode will air tonight. But that's okay. Now, I'm up to date here... cept for missing what I missed of that other episode. But I'm good... that is once someone tells me what happened. *puppy dog eyes* Please?!

(off-topic comment) - why is it you feel 'hyper' or like your wired with caffeen (sp?) when you've spent all night... awake?
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:35 pm

Dude! Not cool, people! Its on page two and I'm having to double post. Where did you sCRYed fans run off to, Japan? COME BACK!!! *looks cute* please?

Anyway, I just watched Saturdays episode (yeah, yeah, I know I'm always behind. That's cause I tape it). I'm not sure I have much to say about it... accept, it ended in a cliff hanger and I hate it now. Not really, but I get mad when my favorite anime shows end in cliff hangers and I have to wait a whole stinking week to see what happens next. It bites. I get over it though.


[SPOILER=Saturdays episode]Ryuho and Kazuma really hate each other, don't they? They were all like about to kill one another until mr. "hammer!" showed up again. What is with that dude, anyway? I mean, is that all he can say now? And why does he keep getting sent after them? I mean, yeah, he got Kanami, but Kazuma and Ryuho could totally own him! He's so weak!

Besides that, I found it kind of funny, they were insulting one another and bragging at the same time. Kazuma called him a "arrogant pig" and and Son of a you know what. He's always done that though. And Ryuho called him... something, I forget. Grr, stupid late-night brain lapse! Anyway, I don't know why, but I laughed when Ryuho said "I'm going to kill the alter who killed my mother" (something like that. That's not what I laughed at though). Kazuma laughed, and Ryuho said "You find that funny?" all 'I'm ready to picka fight' like, and Kazuma's blunt, simple reply, in his cocky, stuck-up attitude tone, was, "Not really!" Why did I find that funny? I snickered. I don't know, maybe because I just love Kazuma! :hug: Maybe not. *shrugs* I'll let ya'll post now, if you will.[/SPOILER]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:58 pm

Rewatching and heard it better.It was Eternal Devote,I just thought she said
Devotion.I think it is still interesting that Kanami is unaware that she's an
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:06 pm

isn't it though? And you think Kazuma might have noticed by now, but noooo.... Ryuho has his suspicions, but the guy that's known her longer is clueless. Maybe not, but as far as we know he is. At least if hasn't shown that Kazuma knows/suspects it.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:30 pm

The way that they were talking at HOLD it sounded like Kanami had one of the
most powerful Alters because hers was the ability to dream what people were
doing,especially Kazuma when they were doing it.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:12 pm

maybe that should be a spoiler. Cause its not revealed until later in the series?

Anywho... yeah. that's true. She could see what someone is doing at the time, where they're ate maybe, and go get em... pretty cool actually.
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Postby Sami_jane » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:19 pm

ok so i have watched the whole series and am now watching it again...but i still have yet to figure out what kaname's relation is to cazuma....are they brother and sister? or are they just like friends...i dont think they ever said...but i could be wrong. So can anyone help me? :D
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:57 am

Ah, poor girl. But at the beginning of one of the episodes (don't remember now which it is) it shows how Kazuma and Kanami meet. So no, they're not related in anyway. They're just friends. I'd say he's like an older brother to her, though she seems to have a huge crush on him. And he has some kind of deep feelings for her... he's got to wait for her to grow up o.o or not...
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Postby Sami_jane » Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:41 pm

see thats what i was thinking...they almost seem to be more than friends but she is a little young for that. i dunno i must have missed that episode. oh well im sure i will get to see it sooner or later. ok thanx. :)
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:29 pm


[SPOILER] at the end of the series, the end of the last episode, it shows Kanami a lot older. I have no idea how much older, but she has 'blossomed' out, if you know what I mean.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Sami_jane » Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:40 pm

ya i know i saw that episode....thats why i didnt know if they maby got togather or something in the next season or something like that... i dunno
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:46 pm

There's only one season of s-CRY-ed. The last episode is it. That's all. It done with. It kind of has a few loose ends, but then at the same time, it doesn't. But what you see at the end is all that was ever made of s-CRY-ed (unless they went further in the manga. but the manga is hentai so I'll never know).

Its truely sad though. I loved it so much, and it just ends. *sighs*
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:52 pm

yea the ending was rather disappointing they episode b4 it(25) could been a end episode also in my oppionion.

but the manga is hentai so I'll never know).

What the crap that stinks !!! oh well at least the anime was clean
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Postby Sami_jane » Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:06 pm

really? dang thats stupid...they should make a second season.. it would be really good. but ya its kind of a downer when they end the series like that. <_< oh well
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