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Metroid Fanfiction

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:15 am

NAME: Tal Aran
RACE: Has DNA elements from many species, but mostly human and Metroid.
PARENTS: Unknown and unimportant; probably scientists.
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6’ 0â€
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:22 am

uc pseudonym wrote:NAME: Tal Aran
RACE: Has DNA elements from many species, but mostly human and Metroid.
PARENTS: Unknown and unimportant]
POWER: [I have no standards, nor is it important. High.]
SPECIALTIES: Nega-photon-based Destruction (flame, energy bolts, etc) | Flight (winged or powered) | Stealth | Self-Healing | Martial Arts | Violent Use of Exoskeleton
DESCRIPTION: Tal appears quiet, not particularly strong, and intelligent. However, he is stronger than any human even without his exoskeleton out, and very quick in either form.
PERSONALITY: Given that you read the story, I'm not going to bother with this one.

Tal ARAN? :eyebrow: What, is he her brother?
As you can tell I haven't read the entire story... Please do the personality part... I've kinda had trouble figuring that out...
You're right about the Generator apperance, it applies solely to Generator Gawl meterial... however, the exoskeleton kinda resembles a Generator in my mind...
And psion... that's an Auroran thing... I have no idea how to measure power... I just typed a big number and said it was powerful... lol

One more thing. I'm going to make a Metroid fangame, Metroid: Aurora. I kinda wanted to give Tal an apperance. But I needed your permission for obvious reasons. Also, I'd like some help with the storyline. I'll make a topic on it.

BTW, species is like... Human; Auroran; dog; cat.
race would be... Caucasian, Asian; Elite, Elementian; wolf, fox; tiger, cat (Respectively)
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Postby TurkishMonky » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:28 am

yay!!! i just read through the whole story... twas excelent.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:26 am

Thank you, TurkishMonky.

Matrix Kage wrote:Tal ARAN? What, is he her brother?

My apologies, I had forgotten you hadn't completed the story. As to your question... no comment.

Matrix Kage wrote:As you can tell I haven't read the entire story... Please do the personality part... I've kinda had trouble figuring that out...

PERSONALITY: Tal is quiet, unassuming and extremely secretive. Just by natural disposition, he would probably never tell you his name unless you directly asked. Though he doesn't particularly like violence, biologically he has no human inhibitions. He is intelligent, but primarily in a practical sense, not book knowledge. He doesn't trust people easily, but when he finds something he values he latches onto it and will go to great lengths to ensure its survival.

Matrix Kage wrote:One more thing. I'm going to make a Metroid fangame, Metroid: Aurora. I kinda wanted to give Tal an apperance. But I needed your permission for obvious reasons. Also, I'd like some help with the storyline. I'll make a topic on it.

Permission granted. As for the storyline, I am happy to help. Whenever you make your thread, provide a link here, presuming that I don't run across it first.

[quote="Matrix Kage"]BTW, species is like... Human]
Ah. I prefer "ethnicity" for the latter, because "race" is most commonly used in a fantasy setting to distinguish diverse species (though from a biological perspective, you could argue they were all one species, given that they can interbreed). Is it clear that he's caucasian?
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Postby Takuya » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:41 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Thank you, TurkishMonky.

My apologies, I had forgotten you hadn't completed the story. As to your question... no comment.

PERSONALITY: Tal is quiet, unassuming and extremely secretive. Just by natural disposition, he would probably never tell you his name unless you directly asked. Though he doesn't particularly like violence, biologically he has no human inhibitions. He is intelligent, but primarily in a practical sense, not book knowledge. He doesn't trust people easily, but when he finds something he values he latches onto it and will go to great lengths to ensure its survival.

Permission granted. As for the storyline, I am happy to help. Whenever you make your thread, provide a link here, presuming that I don't run across it first.

Ah. I prefer "ethnicity" for the latter, because "race" is most commonly used in a fantasy setting to distinguish diverse species (though from a biological perspective, you could argue they were all one species, given that they can interbreed). Is it clear that he's caucasian?

YEA!!!! I'm gonna make a faaangame. I'm gonna make a faaangame. lol:dance: :dance: I shall post a thread soon... probably now...? I hope...

My definition of 'race' cames from the word raceism (prejudice based on race)... the definition of racceism suggests that race refers to nationality... Therefore my definition of race refers to different versions of the same species (Elementian, Draconian)...

BTW, thanks for the personality profile. Kinda different from what I though... I kinda expected him to be the FRIENDLY yet secretive type, not the cold shoulder type...
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:27 am

Hm, I suppose I overemphasized the secretive part and neglected to mention the fact that Tal is somewhat friendly. He's cheerful in an introverted sense; not the type of person to make friends constantly, but definitely not someone who pushes people away.
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Postby Takuya » Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:36 pm

anonymous wrote:ah, I'm back~
i'm gonna see what I can do with that description. no guarantees though. :sweat:

in the description of his clothing, what do you mean by "lines"? like slits or something? (and I may just draw them without the lines since I have no idea where these "lines" would be.)

yes... slits...


be imaginitive with the shirt... I say one over each side of his chest, a few down his back and abdomen and two vertical lines on the shoulderblades... as for the boots: one down the front and down each side...
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:15 pm

Just to affirm that response: yes, they are slits. I apologize for using vague language. Also, they would probably be too small to be visible except from close proximity.
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Postby Takuya » Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:26 pm

okay then.

I need some more info on his personality. Like, does he ever get depressed, does he have a good sense of humor, does he ever crack jokes on missions, or is he really serious in those conditions?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:33 am

The best way to learn that would be to read the story. To describe his personality would feel somewhat artificial to me. However, I am guessing that this is for your fangame, so I may be able to help you in another way. Via PM or on Sentinal, just go over the general story of specific scenarios that Tal will be involved in, and I'll tell you how he would react.
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