well, for those of you keeping score, i have recently (within less than 4 hours of this being posted) confessed my feelings to the young lady that i care very much for, her response was nothing like what i was expecting, i told her that i cared for her very much and that i'd like to go out with her and she told me that she was currently seeing someone but that in the future things could work out for us, i don't want what i've done to mess things up for the other parties involved, i feel much better now that i have told her how i feel, i've been keeping my true feelings from her for several months now, i just want to make sure that whatever happens concerning the relationship i have with this girl is the Lord's will, my request specifically is this: that the Lord's will would be done in this, whatever it may be, and that both of us would be ready and willing to submit to His will, no matter what it costs, also for the other guy, i don't know who he is, i don't even know his name, but if it's the Lord's will for the two of them to part, that neither of them would get hurt as a result of it, that in some way God would be glorified in all of this, no matter how things go
thanks guys