Thanks for all the well wishes, guys! I'm really excited. Today was my second day, and things are still going really well. I'm a little concerned that I might bog down my boss or Dave the Other Designer with my questions, but I just need to be confident in the passion and skills the Lord has given me.
Congratulations Ashley! What's you're job entail exactly?
A lot, actually. The way it works is that when someone on Campus needs ANYTHING printed--a book, a flyer, a business-reply card, a poster, a handbook, a playbill for a luncheon, invitations, etc.--they fill out an art request form with our secretary, then the Art Director assigns the job to either me, herself, or Dave the Other Designer. I'm then responsible for picking out papers, typefaces, the overall design...pretty much making the project. Then I have to see it's sent to a publisher within budget, and keep track of it til it gets back here. It's a little scary--especially since they give me pretty much total freedom to do whatEVER I want to do, design wise, but it's fun and always changing. I have about 8 jobs pending on my desk from my predecessor