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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:58 am

There's a review for this anime, and adult swim has been airing the episodes on Saturday night. I was wondering though, no one here seems to have seen it or watched it. I've not heard any mention of it before.

This is kind of like my 'Outlaw Star' thread. I'm curious as to how many of you are fans of this show, or have even seen/heard of it. If you have seen it, did you like it? If you've heard of it, would you watch it? And if you are/were a fan at some point, how much did you like it? Would you ever watch it again?

etc, stuff like that.
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Postby battletech » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:52 pm

It looked good when it fist came out but there was another show I wanted to start watching at that time. When it started on AS I watched it and I've only missed one ep. so far.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:20 pm

I have the first manga and bought it before the anime aired.I like it.
Both Ryohou and Kasama seem to be from the same mode but they're
motivations are different.I like the way that Ryohou and Cerishe have
apparently taken Kanami under their wing in the last couple episodes
since Kasama has disappeared.
And I also love the fact that Cerishe is voiced by Lara Jill Miller in the
dub. :thumb:
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:05 pm

I watch it, and enjoy it, for the most part. Really good VA's (Steven Jay Blum as Kazuma, Lex Lang as Kimishima, Dorothy Melendrez as Mimori, etc.), so I give it a thumbs up for acting. I really enjoyed it when it first started, but it's kinda lagging now, I guess. The animation has kinda gotten lazy, too. I dunno, I guess I just feel like the story's in a rut or something. I liked the first few eps a lot, but after

[spoiler]Kimishima died....T.T[/spoiler]

I guess it just kinda lost it. Hopefully, it'll come back and end with a bang! ;D
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Postby desperado » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:09 pm

It's a really good series and it may be sad in places, but I am really loving it.
The battle's are the series strongpoint and they rarely dissapoint, though they are the typical anime style, and are nothing revolutionary but are still really good.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:12 pm

[SPOILER]Kimishima's death was sad![/SPOILER]

Yes, there are sad points, and the battles are good. I don't mind the voice actors either. The battles are short, and never drug out either. That's another plus. Some anime have fighting/battle scenes that you want to end, but they just won't. This one is good though.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:23 am

Straight Couger! I love him! He's so funny!! He can't get anyone's name right. Instead of Kazuma and Mimori its Kasuma and Minori! lol!

Anyway, that mentioned spoiler was rather 'bugging' wasn't it?

Last Saturday? I can tell you, I think. Maybe not so well, but here goes...

[SPOILER]Ayase had meet Kazuma in the last episode, remember? So it starts there, with Ayase sitting next to him. She tells him she had a thing for him, but things are different since she got back from the mainland. Then that really ugly, butt-headed guy (don't know his name) who basicly took over HOLY used his alter and blew a hole in the airport wall, sending Kazuma falling down the cliff. He hit a little beach type area and Ayase came after him with her alter out (go to the official site to see her 2nd alter form). She flodded the beach area with ocean water and was altering the water molecules to create ice chunks to hit him wit. She made a whirlpool and he was traped in it for the longest time. Finally he escaped into a cave underwater, which had an air pocket in it. Ayase looks on the cliff to see the butt-head guy I mentioned before standing there leaned against his car watching. She says, "You won't get away Kazuma!"

Meanwhile, the people in the town Ryuho was protecting kicked him out because he was an alter, and they were I guess a little scared of him. They were afraid that HOLY would come back for him again. Scheris was with him, and they were sitting on a cliff overlooking the town. He said he wouldn't leave because he promised himself to protect them. Scheris told him he always did have a goal that he obsessed over. He replied something like, "Yes, I suppose I do. I guess that's why I never could deal with how you felt about me." Scheris blushed and the Kanami came up on the cliff behind them. She apologized for interrupting, and said she'd brought them food and Scheris a change of clothes since the people got scared when they saw her HOLY uniform.

Kazuma, in the cave, makes the remark, "and they said down spouts were bad," or something like that. Ayase comes in the cave after Kazuma, her alter behind her. Kazuma stands up, ready to fight. Ayase says, "Its all right now. They can't see us in here anymore." She gets all teary eyed and rushes over to hug a very confused Kazuma. She cries, "Oh, Kazuma! I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you!"

*comercial break*

Okay, this explination has been pretty bad so far, but now Ayase and Kazuma are sitting down in the cave talking. Ayase explains that they did experiments on her on the mainland and changed her alter ability. They were trying to accomplish with her what Kazuma had accoplished while in the strange light. So she was stronger now. The only reason she tollerated it was because her brother was sick and they were keeping him alive. She has an arm band that has numbers on it that tell her how close her brother is to death. Ayase asks Kazuma to join her and fight for her cause, to fight something or another so all alter users can live in piece without being feared. (maybe that's not right, I can't remember. I wish I hadn't recorded over that episode Xp) Kazuma refusses, claiming he doesn't have any reason to fight for that. She mentions Kimishima, and Kazuma tells her he's dead. She apologizes, not having known this. Then she tries to convince him again, to no avail. She gets angry and recalls the episode where she was on the cliff with him overlooking the HOLD complex that had her brother. There he told her that she had to over come her 'walls' meaning enemies or something. She tells him if he won't fight with her, then he is her walls, her enemy, and she is his. Then she blows up the cave (it was inside a large rock jutting out of the ocean, not in the cliff side) by using the water with her alter. Kazuma is caught in the whirlpool again, and finally gives up, thinking "If she wants me dead, then fine". Well, he starts to argue with himself, you see this as they show him with his alter in use telling him not to give up, and then normal saying 'why bother'. He blacks out, and Kimishima appears to him in his dream or whatever. Kimishima tells him not to give up, to keep fighting. They talk, and Kimishima convinces Kazuma to fight again. Kazuma uses his alter to push back the water and stands on dry land with walls of water on either side. He says, "I guess I still have to carry you on my back, huh Kimishima?" Then uses his alter, leaps into the air with it and is ready to attack Ayase.

Ayase stands on a small piece of land. She looks at her armband and notices that the numbers that tell her brothers life drop to three, the two, then one, and finally zero. She cries, saying "now theres no reason to fight anymore'. She tells her brother she will see him shortly and lets her alter fade. Kazuma sees this and stops his attack, catching her before she falls into the ocean water. He says he'll get her to a hospital, and tells her not to die. She apologizes for the cruel things she said in the cave and says she meant none of them. Ayase dies, and Kazuma yells "NO!" (this was very sad). He sees the butt-head guy on the cliff and gets mad(der). He jumps up there blaming him, and attacks him. The guy block his attack saying that it is magnificent. He goads Kazuma to tap into the other side again, saying, "You don't want her death (ayase) to be in vain, do you?" Kazuma gets really mad, powers up fruther, and taps into the other side. The strange light from before appears. The guy is skeptical of it, so he steps out. He sees what it is and says, "Amazing. I'll be sure to step into the light next time." Kazuma, in the light, says "Not again!" He sees the strange alter from first time he and Ryuho were in there and it turns and walks away. He follows.

Meanwhile, Ryuho, Scheris, and Kanami sit inside a hut that was on that cliff side as it rains outside. Far in the distance they see the light shooting up. Scheris askes, "Is that it?" Ryuho replies, "Yes, that's him." Kanami gets excited and says, "You mean, its Kazu-kun?" Ryuho confirms it. Kanami stands and looks out the window at the light. "My Kazu-kun is still out there," she says. Then the episode ends[/SPOILER]

wow, that took time. And its long. Is that the right episode? i hope it is, it should be, that was last saturdays episode. I don't think I did too well explaining what happened though, I forgot some important things. Sorry. I tried at least. Nothing is as good as actually seeing the episode yourself. Maybe you can catch it tonight. It should replay, they normally do on Thrusdays.
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Postby blue elf » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:33 am

I've been watching it. It has gone a bit down hill since the beginning, but I think it may be picking up again. Well, at least I thought last week's ep. was pretty good. It's not my favorite show, but I like it.
My favorite characters are Cougar, Mimori, and Tachibana. I'm starting to like Ryuho again too. Him and Kazuma's obsession with hunting each other down was really annoying me, but I find him less annoying in recent episodes. The character that annoyed me the most by far was that Holy member kid that was always spying on everyone.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:51 pm

If anyone is interested theOtaku has a new s-CRY-ed personality quiz.
I took it twice and both times came out with Ryuho. :thumb:
I would have to say Ryuho,Kasuma and Cougar are my three favorite male characters plus the guy that has all those floating balls.For females it would have to be Kanami,Cerishe and Mimori. :thumb:
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:52 pm

I love S-cry-ed. Hey, does anyone ever wonder how to pronouce this anime serioes. I always said it Scryed. Like Sacred, but with the "y". Hey, did u guys catch it last weeekend and the weekend before? I love that insert song. Does anybody know the name of the song and the singer? I know it's the same dude who sings "Drastic My Soul", but I have no clue to his name. They didn't say on animelyrics (waaaaah). I loved Outlaws Star to. Esspecially the ending theme song. I never heard the opening songs tho (double waah).
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:40 pm

Hehe, Straight Couger!! He's one of the more colorful characters, definitely! I like 'im! And I miss Kimishima...T.T But Kanami is sooo cute!! She reminds me of Misuzu, from Air! *see pic* Teehee!
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:18 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:If anyone is interested theOtaku has a new s-CRY-ed personality quiz.
I took it twice and both times came out with Ryuho.
I would have to say Ryuho,Kasuma and Cougar are my three favorite male characters plus the guy that has all those floating balls.For females it would have to be Kanami,Cerishe and Mimori.

I'd like to take that quiz. I sometimes do those things for fun, but only for fun.

My favorite characters are Kazuma, Ryuho, Couger, and Asuka (the guy with the eight balls. Their called Eternity Eight by the way). Female characters are Mimori, Kanami, and Ayase.

1BalloonPopper wrote:Thanks so much! Yes! I love him and his quirky name misunderstanding thing. XD
BTW, thanks SOOOOOOO much for the update!

I loved Kimishima too. ._. Too bad about what happened.

you're welcome! I don't think I was much help, but... You're very Welcome!

Rurouni_Kaoru wrote:Hehe, Straight Couger!! He's one of the more colorful characters, definitely! I like 'im! And I miss Kimishima...T.T But Kanami is sooo cute!! She reminds me of Misuzu, from Air! *see pic* Teehee!

he is very colorful indeed. Very very colorful. Hes funny, and so carefree about things. He's very refreshing from the other charaters.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:00 pm

I think they're hinting more at a Cerishe/Ryuho relationship,at least from last week they made it clear that Cerishe is interested in more than just a friendly relationship
with him.She almost told him too except that was when Kanami interrupted them with the clothes and food she had brought.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:14 pm

That should be in a spoiler tag.

[SPOILER]well, really though, she out right told him like two or three episodes ago that she had a thing for him when he still had amnesia (sp?). She said, after revealing that 'they were lovers' was a joke, 'Actually, it was more of a one sided thing on my part' or something to the extent. So yeah, she already told him before that.[/SPOILER]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:33 pm

No,it's not really a spoiler a spoiler would be if it were true,it's just my own guess
at the way it seems to be going.I could be wrong.Remember Mimori is still out there somewhere so we can't know if Ryuho is going to end up with Mimori or
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:25 am

I don't really think Ryuho likes Scheris. Its a one-sided love on her part...
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:24 pm

So far the only disappointment is that we haven't seen what Cerishe's
particuliar Alter ability is yet. :grin:
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:54 pm

Fantasy Dreamer wrote:I don't really think Ryuho likes Scheris. Its a one-sided love on her part...

I agree. :D I'm all for Ryuho and Mimori! n.n Besides, Scheris's voice is way too high pitched. XD
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:31 am

Some people love her voice... in the dubbed at lest. ugh. I don't guess its that bad.

mitsuki lover wrote:So far the only disappointment is that we haven't seen what Cerishe's
particuliar Alter ability is yet.

Yeah, but if you go the the official site, it tells you somewhat of what it is. There are other websites that have explained what her alter does, but I won't spoil it for anybody. You can look for yourself if you want to know so badly.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:30 pm

Ok,I'll do it one of these days or maybe wait and see if they'll show it on s-CRY-ed
sooner or later.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:20 pm

If you don't like to know what's comming/going to happen, then wait. If you don't care if you know or not, then go ahead. All one has to do is type 'sCRYed' into the google search. (to be more specific, type 'sCRYed official site')
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:04 pm

I tried but it took too long.I did finally manage,after going to two fansites,to find
the name of Cerishe's Alter.That was about all.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:55 pm

Haha, yeah, I found that site! I forget what Scheris's alter is, though...I'll have to go back and look again! XD
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:37 am

I've forgotten what it's called. But, don't mention it here. I don't want to put too many more spoilers up.

So, I haven't watched last Saturday's episode yet (I taped it Xp too late to stay up). But what did you guys think of it?
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:52 pm

T.T Last week's episode...I missed it, and I can't remember why! That's no good...It may come on again tonight (which would be nice), but CN is going to start NGE at 12:30 tonight too, so...I hope I get to see it, though...!
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:23 pm

Yeah,NGE tonight and then I think FMA and s-CRY-ed if I got the schedule right.
Oh,and according to the one site I found Kanami is the legal owner of the house
she and Kasuma were living in.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:41 am

Hey is it just me or did they play two episodes twice and skipped the next one that was supposed to air? I love Kanami. She's so sooooooooo adorable. She reminds me of... me (hehehe). I'm always dreaming up something, but not about the one I love (sigh)... I wish I had a love like Kazu-Kun. Man, I cried when Kimishimi died. That's when I put myself in S-cry-ed (hehehe). Nobody konw the name of the insert song? I know is has the line,"Lost My Way." That's all I can remember (sweat drop).
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:28 pm

I liked the scene where Kanami's leaving and Ryohu wants to stop her but he also wants to stay to help the people and Cerishe just tells him to go ahead since
he can't take care of both.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:42 pm


[SPOILER=last night's episode!]
Scheris used her alter! I didn't catch the full name..."Eternal ----," and I don't know exactly what she did, but it was cool! XD [/spoiler]

Last night's ep seemed to kind of pick up a little bit, and I'm glad about that. The animation was better than it had been, which is definitely a good thing! :D
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Postby Chosen Raven » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:22 pm

I believe her alter was called [SPOILER] Eternal Devote [/SPOILER].
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