I apologize for the weird thread title, I am in an odd mood.
First of all, I am having some medical problems with my feet and right hand. The prognosis for my feet is that the arches are abnormally high, weren't getting proper support (since I was always going around barefoot), and were thus damaged. Now I have to wear shoes most of the time. Furthermore, we will probably have to buy something special for them pretty soon here, and we definately don't have extra money floating around right now. I have to walk quite a bit every day, and they have been causing me pain. As for my right hand, we don't know what is wrong with it, but it has been hurting quite a bit. What makes it most annoying is that my right hand is dominant. For most things I am ambidextrous, but as for writing (like, all of my homework) let's just say that that doesn't work out too well.
Secondly, these physical problems might end up hindering more than my school work. My church is planning a very special trip down to Brazil. There are a myriad of prayer requests surrounding this: Money to go, passports, missing school, that my medical problems won't hinder this, etc.
This third one is totally unrelated. I have a friend (I befriended her because she didn't have any friends) who just got saved last year. She grew up in a Baptist church but wasn't really a Christian. Then she committed her life to Christ, got baptized, yadda yadda yadda. I was happy, things were great. Just recently I was talking with her and... well... she has sort of lost her faith. She no longer believes that either God or Satan exist but does believe in reincarnation. I have tried reasoning with her, but it seems futile. Let me give you an example:
Me:So, then how did we get here?
Her: From the universe.
Me:Where did the universe come from?
Her:Well, there was just normal universe floating around and then it grew.
Me: Where did this 'normal universe' stuff come from?
Her: Little stuff.
Me: Such as?
Her: Molecules.
Me: Where did those molecules come from?
Her: There were just a few, but then they grew into more.
Me: But where did the first ones come from?
Her: Little particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did the littler particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Littler particles.
Me: Where did those little particles come from?
Her: Look, I know the answer is in science somewhere, ok!?!
[the next day]
Her: I found it! Molecules are made from atoms! So there!
[and if all else fails, she just always says this]
Her:But my way feels right!
I'm getting frustrated with her, but have dropped the supject because she was getting pretty angry with me. Please pray.
Thanks for reading this long post... and for praying.