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mine enemy

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mine enemy

Postby gameoverblue » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:36 pm

THis is a story i wrote, i hope you like it.

Centuries ago, China was a divided nation. Various people united over time to form villages, tribes, cities and clans. One group of people was called the Miroshbi. They were peaceful people, but still possessed strong warriors.
One day, a group of barbarians emerged. The Miroshbi fought to defend their land, but the barbarians out-numbered them, and countless people lost their lives in these bloody battles. The war continued for many decades, neither side gaining ground.
“Yihg, there aren’t any barbarians here,â€
procrastination is a virtue.

theory- lets say you work on a project, you spent hours on it, then you die. Then in heaven you think to yourself, why did I waste those hours. :thumb:
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Postby gameoverblue » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:41 pm

The next morning, he awoke to another sunny day. It was still early, but the heat managed to be present nevertheless. He looked in the sky. There were no clouds in sight.

He sat there on the unstable platform for several more hours. Eventually, the barbarian broke the silence.
“Soldier! Hand me your rope!â€
procrastination is a virtue.

theory- lets say you work on a project, you spent hours on it, then you die. Then in heaven you think to yourself, why did I waste those hours. :thumb:
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Postby gameoverblue » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:41 pm

“You did in Miki,â€
procrastination is a virtue.

theory- lets say you work on a project, you spent hours on it, then you die. Then in heaven you think to yourself, why did I waste those hours. :thumb:
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Postby starstoryteller » Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:18 pm

Cool! this awsome. I'll bet he was a crazy old man who was a genius.
:comp: "Foul Beast"

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