Three and a half thumbs down. Where's the intensity? Where's the emotion? Oh there it is... buried under the banal, cliche'd, vapid pile of kids' show propaganda and intellectually diminished dialogue.
ya know...ashfire is bad they didn't give it to adult swim.
I'm not terribly impressed with the voice actors, but I should be clear: I think they have room for improvement, not that I feel the actors were poorly chosen. The voices more or less matched the characters, or at least as well as I felt the Japanese voice actors did (of course, that's given my limited understanding of Japanese). My only real pet peeve is that it was terribly obvious that Naruto's voice actor was female. As I didn't watch all of episode two, I'm not sure how much graphical editing there really was.
Oh and who does hinata so far she has the best VA for the one line she does.
Chosen Raven wrote:I simply don't understand how you could call it that. How in the heck is it propaganda? And "intellectually diminished dialogue"? I've already stated that this is pretty much a word for word translation. Your fansub is the true travesty. I'll never understand people's commitment to fansubs. I'd think that, after so many instances of fansubbers inserting F-bombs into animes, otakus might start to consider that they may not exactly be getting accurate translations.
Heck, things have actually been fixed for the dub version. Do you remember seeing the log by Iruka after he transforms back into himself? That wasn't in the Japanese version. They had mistakenly left it out(it's there in the manga from what I hear). The only reason Viz didn't get the original opening and closing was because of licensing issues. Not because they didn't want it.
You don't like the dub VAs? Fine, that's a legitimate complaint. As is not liking that the intro and outro are different. But to say it's utterly horrible because it's not exactly like your fansub seems very....wrong.
Viz tried their darnedest to give us as well translated a version as possible. They wanted to get even the diehard otakus because they want the show to be as big a success as it could be. They should be applauded.
Oh, and get this. Viz has stated that Shogkugan, Shueisha, and Studio Pierrot have to approve all edits made. That means that they were okay with this.
Mr. Raven, and all others who unfortunately read my previous comment in this thread,
Please accept my most profound apologies for responding in such a flame-worthy manor. Quite alot of people like how Viz handled the dub, and I, for one, should allow more of their work to be viewed before rendering such harsh judgements.
Viz has, for the most part, impressed me in the past with some of their work, albeit taking some liberties with dialogue and such (i.e. Kuno in Ranma), but nonetheless, their efforts are indeed admirable, as Mr. Raven pointed out.
In addition, some valid points about fansubs have been made (especially in reference to the f-bombs). But having been blessed with good, clean fansubs of this particular show and others, I was apparently looking at my collections of non-licensed and fan-produced subtitled anime through rose-colored glasses. Not all dubs are good, or acurate, granted, and most fansubs are generally wrong, as well.
I wasn't intending to say that any version of the show that comes out that does not match up with my little fansub was inferior, and I am sorry if it sounded that way. Amazing how one can get so involved in something temporal...
In any case, Mr. Raven, point taken, and I thank you for putting me in my place on this issue. Perhaps you're right, and this should be viewed with eyes open wider than I've had.
Hey, what's the worst that could happen? Konoha headbands in Hot Topic? I'm there for that (as long as they have black...)
Heck, things have actually been fixed for the dub version. Do you remember seeing the log by Iruka after he transforms back into himself? That wasn't in the Japanese version. They had mistakenly left it out(it's there in the manga from what I hear). The only reason Viz didn't get the original opening and closing was because of licensing issues. Not because they didn't want it.
no the log is in the fansub... thats what he used when pretending to carry the forbidden scroll
Heck, things have actually been fixed for the dub version. Do you remember seeing the log by Iruka after he transforms back into himself? That wasn't in the Japanese version. They had mistakenly left it out(it's there in the manga from what I hear). The only reason Viz didn't get the original opening and closing was because of licensing issues. Not because they didn't want it.
I myself was very worried for the dub when I found out that one of the guys working on it was the same person behind the Rave Master dub(which was horribly butchered dialogue wise).
Adult Swim is for shows that pander to a more adult audience. It's not for airing Japanese kid shows(let's face it, that's what Naruto is; an anime aimed at kids) and it's not meant to air popular anime uncut. Inuyasha has far more adult content than Naruto has displayed so far and it's still debated whether or not it should have been edited for Toonami. Though it would have been the optimal place for it, Naruto would not have fit on Adult Swim.
Nu-En-Jin wrote:Hey, what's the worst that could happen? Konoha headbands in Hot Topic? I'm there for that (as long as they have black...)
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
SirThinks2Much wrote:I think they already did...>.>
Noooo! Gimme back my Hot Topic!
Nightshade X wrote:I have a blue headband... but I can't really wear it without a hoodie. It doesn't really look very good without hair and... I have none.
kaemmerite wrote:The lack of nosebleeds...that was weird. wasn't aware that there WERE supposed to be nosebleeds in those scenes, and wondered why these people were flying through the air for what seemed like no reason. XD Now that I know the reason, this particular edit strikes me as really stupid, they could've done that a bit better (toned down the blood, but not gotten rid of it entirely, maybe).
kaemmerite wrote:The second episode was obviously a filler episode, and I was more disappointed in the content of the episode itself rather than particular voices or anything like that.
Chosen Raven wrote:Look at the scene right when Iruka turns back to normal. It's not there is it(I can't really check)? It is there a scene later, though. It was an animation error from what I hear.
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:The voice actors are...meh. I would have much prefered to have Joshua Seth (The voice of Tai, Cyborg 009, etc...) as Naruto. The current voice is cool, but it's not GREAT...Josh Seth can really bring home the pre-teen voice. .
What!? The second episode may not be entirely all that exciting, but it is by no means a "filler."Kam wrote:The second episode was obviously a filler episode, and I was more disappointed in the content of the episode itself rather than particular voices or anything like that.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
redkorn wrote:Its so horriable!!! They voices dont even come close to the characters! Very little emotion and enthuism as there was in the sub. Alot of the dialog was changed!!! pretty much no blood, someone get a huge star in their back you cant tell me there will be no blood. im very dissapointed, im sticking with the subs.
starfire wrote:anyway, someone should do a Naruto RPG! let me know if they do.
Tom Dincht wrote:What`s up with that girl that likes naruto? Does she appear alot in the series?
Tom Dincht wrote:Toonami has had blood. Think DBZ uncut on the episode Raditz died...uh, for Toonami that was a bloodfest. And you saw Blood coming out that Sensei guy`s mouth when the star hit his back.
Do you mean a consule game or an rpg here on CAA? If the former, you are currently out of luck, but such has existed for the latter. It is currently stalled.
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