kazekami wrote:But I think the emotion sounds better in the voices.
kazekami wrote:I have to say I did not agree that subtitles pervert the essance of anime because I think that certain voice actors are choisen for a reason.
kazekami wrote:ANd that in changeing it from the original voice actor changes the feeling of the film.
kazekami wrote:I think that the subtitled version is closer to the creaters intent then the dub because how something is said can effect how someone percieves it.
uc pseudonym wrote:As I've said before, subtitles pervert the very essence of anime. The medium is meant to be seen and heard not read. Yes, if a series is edited beyond recognition that isn't good, but if otherwise equal the dub is actually closer (for those who only understand English) to what the creator wanted.
Myoti wrote:So, about 3% of me wants to say "Thanks 4Kids!" while the other 98.5% shouts "BURN!!!".
Oh, and a little comment on some of the fansubbers. Why why WHY must some of them be so crude? I was reading an OP fansub and had some words here and there, then one translator started out right throwing in F-bombs, which I am pretty sure didn't exist. Of course, that doesn't bother me as much "G-- D--- it" does...
Myoti wrote:Oh, and a little comment on some of the fansubbers. Why why WHY must some of them be so crude? I was reading an OP fansub and had some words here and there, then one translator started out right throwing in F-bombs, which I am pretty sure didn't exist. Of course, that doesn't bother me as much "G-- D--- it" does...
Myoti wrote:Um, does no think Japan has bad voice-acting, too?
Though yes, I sometimes prefer subs, but that's only if there's absolutely no other way to get the original goodness in English. A show like Trigun had, IMO, very good voice actors, so I never felt there was a reason to really switch it to sub (though I may for the heck of it sometime).
Dude, that's 101.5%. o.O
I'd dissent on the Trigun dub... it was terrible and full of stupid and unnecessary rewrites (IMHO of course), but in response to your question, the answer is: not as bad as Ameican.
AnimeHeretic wrote:I'd dissent on the Trigun dub... it was terrible and full of stupid and unnecessary rewrites (IMHO of course), but in response to your question, the answer is: not as bad as Ameican.
In America: Each character gets into a sound booth and does all of his lines one after another, trying to time to the lips and match the length of time it takes to say the line. There is no interaction between the characters, and as a result, the interactions on the episode don't quite match.
I must make up for that 3% that wants to thanks them (actually, after today's episode it's down to 2%).
AnimeHeretic wrote:I wouldn't say they pervert it.
kaemmerite wrote:I agree with AnimeHeretic.
kazekami wrote:I agree with AnimeHeretic and Kammerite.
AnimeHeretic wrote:For example I'm glad Sony Pictures decided to release Downfall in the original German subtitled, so I could experience Bruno Ganz' uncannily accurate portrayal of Hitler, as opposed to someone else trying to recreate the voice.
AnimeHeretic wrote:Mot only do you have to get the voice right, but the context and culture into English too. Unfortunately it cannot be done with dubs.
AnimeHeretic wrote:Try watching a anime DVD with the audio on dub and turn on the subtitles. See how big the disconnect is?
Myoti wrote:Um, does no think Japan has bad voice-acting, too?
AnimeHeretic wrote:Well, I guess this is where there isn't much more to say than I disagree with your assessment. Anything else I might say would probably come off sounding like I was whining starting a flame war or something, so I'll pass.
Heh...I saw the VG Cats comic about 4Kids dubbing One Piece yesterday. That one made me laugh quite hard.
I know I am personally tired of this subject (I was before this thread, actually), so I have no problem with letting it be.
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