Smython wrote:I remember both of those shows as well. They were both the first and only christian animes that i'm aware of. I don't know for sure, but i think that the voice that was used for chris on Superbook was the same voice used for Ash in the Pokemon cartoons. It was a noble effort, but lost popularity and so died out. But it was cool while they lasted
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I've heard of them, but never seen them. Wonder if they were ever screened in Australia? Got any pics from the show or a website or something for us to have a look at? Thanks!
JezusBoy wrote:I never put that together. Your right I think Chris' and Ash's voice actors are one in the same. That's so cool. Might be another reason I was attracted to pokemon. Hmmmmmmmmm.........
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Thanks JezusBoy! God Bless you mate!
dragonnova wrote:^_^ I loved Superbook so much! (and yes... I agree with everyone on the pokemon thing... that's why I liked pokemon ^_^) I actually stumbled across a hoard of Superbook tapes at the grocery store of all places.. and bought them out... I didn't care if they were tapes... but I would prefer DVDs....
wizard55 wrote:I posted about superbook/flying house last year. I posted links to japanese/spanish merchandise, music, and more. check out my posts in the following links to see the items posted.
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