I have an on-line friend in Kentucky who is in a lot of spiritual tormet right now because of a problem afflicting him. Because of this he is very angry at God and it isn't really his own fault that something like this is happening (it was kind of random and unwanted). ANd the thing is he isn't really angry out of ignorence - he does have a degree in Philosophy and he's read his CS Lewis and Chesterton appologetics, so you can't say he wasn't prepared.
But this problem (which I'd rather not discuss) has pretty much broken his spirit and he might lose a lot of things he's worked hard for these past few years, including his wife and family and new home. It pains me for him to be like this. A few months ago he was very happy and jolly and all and now he's rather bitter and confused.
In short, I really would appreciate a prayer for him. His name is Robert. Please pray for him, please.
Your Brother in Christ