Jeikobu "Pray for christians in Philadelphia..." -original request.
he doesnt' know what is happening yet with them, but still asks that we keep them in our prayers.
he would also like to ask that Japan be kept in our prayers. and he requests prayer for himself, as he is wanting to develop a closer relationship with God.
Warrior 4 Jesus "Please pray for my sick friend" request.
he saw his friend daniel the other day, but he was in really bad shape. Warrior 4 Jesus asks that we continue to pray for his friend's healing, and that they would be able to trust God that His plan will be carried out.
he also asks that we pray for him, that he would get along with his brother.
OUOTE: "I was wondering if the Prayer Guardians could pray that I get along better with my younger brother, as I don't like him much but would prefer to be Christ-like to him."
he has been going to a program his church is putting on that has been helping him with his depression, and him questioning salvation. just recently he has been reading his bible more, and loving it. he says he feels very blessed by God the last few weeks. Praise God!