prayer thread.
Anyway, my friend let me know what is happening to her now. She was doing really good, but now it doesn't look at all. Here is what my friend told me.
Her kidneys started to fail again. Its the GVHD affecting the organ function. The Doctors think this could be effecting her liver too. With a call around noon I left and went to the hospital and she looked bad. The doctors put a cathader in her neck so they could put her on the dialiysis machine. I thought they were going to do it Monday night but they didn't do it untill 11:30 this morning. I am not a doctor but a First Responder but she looked like that she is in stable condition when I saw her today.They put her on the dialysis machine for 2 hours today and Wednesday will be for 3 hours and for Thursday 4 hours. Thats all the news for now. I talked to Natalie around six this afternoon and everything is about the same and nothing worse.I will try to update every day but have to see what goes on. Just, if you can, keep praying for Kirby and Me and My Family. We really appreciate it.