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Mai's poetry

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Mai's poetry

Postby mai » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:13 am

I finally got the nerve to post some o my poetry so here it is.
These are mostly older poems that I wrote a few years ago.

Dancing With The Wind

Petals fall drifting down they hit the ground
don’t stop her now she can’t hear you
you left her alone and now she is so beautiful
so much more then you
people see right through her
her and her lace gown
invisible beauty as silent as rain
she can’t remember, what was her name?
this should never have come to pass
for how can mountains love the wind?

You are my little treasure,
you are mine alone.
I hold you tight and wonder why
I'm being overthrown.
Our Old Kingdom is gone
but a new one awaits.
We shall make it alone
to the old city gates.
With fire at our heels
we run into the night,
without a thought or wonder
as why we should wait.

Love tips the trees
it falls in shards
at the slightest
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Anna Mae » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:15 pm

Charming! You will be sharing more, yes?
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby mai » Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:14 pm

Thank you ^-^ here's some more

One wish at all what would it be?
To forget the day that you cried?
To forget the day that your love died?
To wake up only to find,
Not death but a vacancy to large to hide.
An old stone wall extends through the countryside
All cloudy and blue
A hazy view of trees
And silhouetted against the sun
The outline of you
In the shade of a passing tree, a sudden bird stood still
To short a thought to realize that time was moving still
Black and twisted.
Cold and dark.
Valley and lark.
Filling up the sky,
Singing to the earth,
Shadows colliding,
Death and rebirth.
My Website [online comic]

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Postby girlninja » Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:11 pm

*smile *bows i like it MAI ^_^ heh your alot better rhyming and rhythm then i am lol i like it alot please keep writing ^^
"If not now then when? If not me then who?-anonymous

and of course now i must instill the Dancing BANANA'S!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


ORORORORORO!-Himura Kenshin

:jump: :lol: :thumb:

"It is not weak to value human life!"-Raiden, Mortal Combat II

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

*ADOPTED BY* ..yea i know scary I got a adopted ~_^

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Postby Anna Mae » Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:56 am

Very interesting. Have you considered expanding some of those? They're great as they are, but I think that it would be interesting to also see some of them in a longer form.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby mai » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:19 am

It’s been along time sense I've posted -_-;
I'm trying to write some longer poems, but so far without much success. I just run out of things to say. A bird of Sorrow is one of the few that I have done.
And finally, here are some more ^-^

Anything else

I'd rather swim across a thousand seas
I'd rather see a million skies collide
A million dreams escaping, crying desperately
I'd rather die and wake up in the end
I'd rather take three wrong turns and end up where I began
Then live one day inside your head.

The Black Window

Locked outside a room
I know what lies within
The brightness of an escaping thought,
Leaves behind a blackened spot
The crimson of life is all I can see
Beneath this black frame
Of coursing dreams
A lack of consistency

A Bird of Sorrow

Through the window
And past the door
A wingless bird stepped out
From the second floor

Across the grass
And on the wall
The bird with wings
Tipped its head
And gave the mournful call

Between the ivy
That tangled the fall
The broken window
Told of stones that fell

Inside the glass house
Water was poured
To dampen the pain
And clean the sword

Beneath the crying sky
Above the drowned park
A single feather
And left its mark
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:41 pm

Dude! These are really good! I like them a lot.
:rock: I mourn for those who never knew you

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Postby creed4 » Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:46 pm

They are good.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby Anna Mae » Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:15 pm

Mysterious. I shall have to spend some time thinking about them.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby mai » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:35 am

Thank you ^-^

Poem for Paris [a character from a comic I'm drawing]

Something that I can't explain is escaping me
Dreams are things that I despise
I haven't slept for days
The figures that I see, the one haunting me
I don't want to become one of the hands of sin
Dust clouds my eyes
I know you called my name but I could never find you
But really, I never tried
Until today I never thought about what it meant to die


I want to believe in peace and harmony
Just like lemonade on a warm summer day
Something cool to drink, to chase the hurt away
One pure thought to get me through the day
Like a book of poetry soft and sweet and full of flowers and sunlight
Cool sheets that resist my impression furtively
Lying in the dark with the moon as company
To sleep with churches, ivy and cloudy skies
This is a perfect day
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Sage_Al-Kahira » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:08 am

Wow! your amazing, and your poems are really true and worth pondering.

I guess we shall see the day,
When all thoughts slip away,
Into the wind, breeze, and sea,
And bring the trees upon their knees.
Where is the Remaining Spring?
Where the waters run so swift.
Am I doomed to wonder? Forgotten? Alone?
Within this Mortal drift?

It'd be all like:
"Hey! You want to come over tonight?"
and they'd be all like:
"Sure! Where do you live?"
And we'd be all like:
"You know that Bio-dome out alittle west in the woods?"
And they'd be all like:
"...:shady: Yeah...?"
We'd say:
Then they would slowly back away while we are all like:
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Postby mai » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:07 am

I'm glad you liked it!

What book is the quote in your sig. from?
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Postby Sage_Al-Kahira » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:20 am

Oh, it's from one of the books by Anne Rice. I forgot which one.
Where is the Remaining Spring?
Where the waters run so swift.
Am I doomed to wonder? Forgotten? Alone?
Within this Mortal drift?

It'd be all like:
"Hey! You want to come over tonight?"
and they'd be all like:
"Sure! Where do you live?"
And we'd be all like:
"You know that Bio-dome out alittle west in the woods?"
And they'd be all like:
"...:shady: Yeah...?"
We'd say:
Then they would slowly back away while we are all like:
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Postby Anna Mae » Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:29 am

Well, you just won't let me get away with quickly reading over the poem and getting a meaning right away, will you! Good stuff.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby mai » Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:00 am

Thank you! Sometimes I'm not even sure what the meaning is 0_o

Here's some more ^_^

In the Mind on a Cloudy Day

Throwing stones into the still lake
I can't seem to get past this idea
That's been floating through my head
Something about light and shifting sand
Or of changing times, absolutes and powers of ten
A separate set of rules far from human hands
This lake beneath the grey sky is starting to ripple again


Cascading blackness, escaping light
Shimmering darkness
Heaving sky, weeping moon
Too many souls to count escaping on the wind
Dying, flying, falling, crawling,
And then
Burning red fire and grim
Electric soft aquamarine glow
Sunset spirals into waving mercury

The Sky

At once too big to be contained
And then too small to hold a dream
The sky reflecting the world
To blinded eyes below
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:45 pm

Good stuff.
:rock: I mourn for those who never knew you

Click here for kick booty music!!

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Postby mai » Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:52 pm

Thanks for reading it ^-^

The Deserted House

Red drops spill and gather
Over the ink soaked paper
Tears that are no more
Disappear and glitter

The dust that covers
Memories and smothers
Feelings too dank and folded
To be resurrected
Too much discord covers the years
That stretch between this house
And the fall

Dead things that hustle
Drift and huddle
Gather together like lost thoughts
Of eternal idlers
Of unthinkable things

Casting shadows on black twisted wings
Ironclad hearts rust and dream
Peering around the edges
Of unpeacefull specters
Unpredictable beings

Cold seeps in streams
Then overwhelms like the sea
Without caring
Without making things clean

Drifting mindless through a realm
Of birds without wings
Held in cages of fear and longing
Digging and searching
For things not believed

Stretching hands
Searching for a pleasant dream
Gather baskets of tasteless nothingness
Daring not believe
That something drifting through the air
Is trying to rescue them from despair


The End of the World or On a Winters Day

Winter comes and goes,
Just like the roses, Just like the world
Just like the man draping his red cloak around himself
And disappearing down the snow covered road.
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Anna Mae » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:23 am

In the Mind on a Cloudy Day

Throwing stones into the still lake
I can't seem to get past this idea
That's been floating through my head
Something about light and shifting sand
Or of changing times, absolutes and powers of ten
A separate set of rules far from human hands
This lake beneath the grey sky is starting to ripple again

I like it. Very nice and mysterious, full of meaning that can be anything for anybody. I think that this is one of your better ones.


Cascading blackness, escaping light
Shimmering darkness
Heaving sky, weeping moon
Too many souls to count escaping on the wind
Dying, flying, falling, crawling,
And then
Burning red fire and grim
Electric soft aquamarine glow
Sunset spirals into waving mercury

I especially like the second to last line. That's great!

The Sky

At once too big to be contained
And then too small to hold a dream
The sky reflecting the world
To blinded eyes below

Very good.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby mai » Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:36 pm

I don't what else to say but THANK YOU! it's really encouraging that you take the time to read my poems ^-^

When it Rains

Solemnity over takes me
The rain coming down
Softly exchanging the world
I call out
“Is this real?â€
My Website [online comic]

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Postby mai » Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:39 pm

Part 1

The world is torn apart
Not by light and dark
Just between your feet it begins to start
One passes into the sky
No one knows
No one cries
Except for one child
His heart bled dry
He understands the pain of death and of being left behind

Part 2

The rain shimmers
Killing those beneath it who shiver
Diving through blackness
It can not see
The blessed are not lost
But their lives can be taken away
One light breaks fading away
Do you know what it’s like to see the rain and have no escape?
You of so many ideas
Do you know what it’s like to break?
To do things without making a mistake?
This one soul is dying
When it’s gone 10,000 take its place
This child can not run from the rain
Every one is searching
But understanding does not give this one
A place to escape the rain

The Park

The dog rode through the park on his bicycle.
That’s what every one called him, the dog, that is
No one loved him so he learned to love himself
He would ride through the park, alone, the dog.
People didn’t like him any way
So he thought there was no reason for him to stay, in the park I mean

He was just one, a no one
He existed in others prayers,
Well, if any one had loved him he would have, but no one ever did
He sometimes was afraid that he didn’t exist anywhere
He had not yet become a man
Even as a child no one loved him, only one ever did
The dog rode through the park on his bicycle
When he was worried, which was nearly all the time, he would talk to the air
It felt comforting, as if someone was there
He never said a word about love
Just that he hoped that the people he had seen would live in peace
And be welcomed home
The dog never asked for anything, except for bread
Every day he prayed to the air
Hopping that someone would listen, that someone would hear
That he was sorry
So sorry
His silent prayer for love, for someone to care.
My Website [online comic]

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Postby Anna Mae » Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:27 am

mai wrote:I don't what else to say but THANK YOU! it's really encouraging that you take the time to read my poems ^-^
Of course. As a fellow poet I know how it feels!

[i]When it Rains

Solemnity over takes me
The rain coming down
Softly exchanging the world
I call out
“Is this real?â€
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby Anna Mae » Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:35 am


Something is lurking over the radiator
It’s quite sure it wants to be here
Behind the frayed curtain, pressed against the glass
Gleaming in the disappearing light
The people of death are out side streaming past
They are every where, except above the radiator
It’s safe there

Very interesting. It is well written, but I am not sure how to interpret it.

Truth of a Dream

I can see something through the gate
A world
A place
I someday hope to call home
It has a garden with shadowy trees
and moonlight grass
And a little fountain shaped like a cat
I can’t see one but I hope
that there might be a rose
Just one
All by itself
The most
In the world
If there was, I might just pick it
For many reasons
I just might

I must quite sincerely tell you that you are an exceptional poet. Have you ever considered publishing some of these in a book?


Once there was something good
Once there was something beautiful
Then it was gone
No one knew what it had been
They didn’t know what it could have done
They didn’t know much but,
They believed it was never here
And that it was every where
I don’t exist
100 of I do
Infinite universe
You hold no love
No soul
Nothing true
I’m dying in just one of you
When there is something good
When there is something beautiful
How can it exist if it is ever changing too?

This poem left me slightly confused (bear in mind that that is not necessarily a bad thing). What does "100 of I do" mean?
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby mai » Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:41 am

Anna Mae wrote:Facade

Very interesting. It is well written, but I am not sure how to interpret it.

Truth of a Dream

I must quite sincerely tell you that you are an exceptional poet. Have you ever considered publishing some of these in a book?


This poem left me slightly confused (bear in mind that that is not necessarily a bad thing). What does "100 of I do" mean?


It’s been awhile since I wrote this one, I think it was based on a dream I had, though after reading it again I can say that the "thing" is a person who is separated from the world, which is not the nicest place.

Truth of a Dream

I've thought about trying to publish them, but I'm not sure if I'm good enough. -_-;


I wrote this in response to a book I read called “The Last Universeâ€
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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:26 pm

Part 1

The world is torn apart
Not by light and dark
Just between your feet it begins to start
One passes into the sky
No one knows
No one cries
Except for one child
His heart bled dry
He understands the pain of death and of being left behind

Part 2

The rain shimmers
Killing those beneath it who shiver
Diving through blackness
It can not see
The blessed are not lost
But their lives can be taken away
One light breaks fading away
Do you know what it’s like to see the rain and have no escape?
You of so many ideas
Do you know what it’s like to break?
To do things without making a mistake?
This one soul is dying
When it’s gone 10,000 take its place
This child can not run from the rain
Every one is searching
But understanding does not give this one
A place to escape the rain

I find this poem interesting. I personally love rain, so seeing this portrayal of it provokes thought. It is a good illustration of feelings of nothingness, insignificance, and meaninglessness. Good poem.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:28 pm

The Park

The dog rode through the park on his bicycle.
That’s what every one called him, the dog, that is
No one loved him so he learned to love himself
He would ride through the park, alone, the dog.
People didn’t like him any way
So he thought there was no reason for him to stay, in the park I mean

He was just one, a no one
He existed in others prayers,
Well, if any one had loved him he would have, but no one ever did
He sometimes was afraid that he didn’t exist anywhere
He had not yet become a man
Even as a child no one loved him, only one ever did
The dog rode through the park on his bicycle
When he was worried, which was nearly all the time, he would talk to the air
It felt comforting, as if someone was there
He never said a word about love
Just that he hoped that the people he had seen would live in peace
And be welcomed home
The dog never asked for anything, except for bread
Every day he prayed to the air
Hopping that someone would listen, that someone would hear
That he was sorry
So sorry
His silent prayer for love, for someone to care.

Very well written. I would like to hear the symbolism that you intended it to be.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby creed4 » Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:31 pm

nice. good work.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
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Postby Anna Mae » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:09 am

Mai, I really must say that you are an exceptional poet. Please don't just brush this off as another fluffy positive statement. Your poetry is what I have often wished that mine was. God has truely given you a gift for this.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby mai » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:08 pm

Thank you. Anna Mae, your comments have been so encouraging I really apreciate it.

Very well written. I would like to hear the symbolism that you intended it to be.

When I was writing this poem I was thinking about people who even though they had never heard of God had heard him speak to their heart.
The dog is a person who does not feel bitter for the lack of love he receives, instead he loves every one as much as he can unconditionally.
He feels that there is some thing important listening to him, and yet he still only prays for others, but in his heart he wishes that someone he could see would care about him.

Do you have a thread for you poems?
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Do you find your self worried alot of the time about things that don't always make sense?

Are you experiencing any of these?
• Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anxiety
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• Sleep too much, or sleep too little
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• Inability to concentrate and poor memory
• Loss of motivation
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Suicidal thoughts and/or behavior
• Withdrawal from relationships, anti-social behavior
• Physical aches and pains that seem to have no other cause

If you have a few of the symptoms on this list, you may be suffering from a form of clinical depression there are many sites that offer advice and help.
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Postby Anna Mae » Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:15 am

mai wrote:Do you have a thread for you poems?
A long time ago I did. Then I got busy and didn't post for a while, it got buried, and who knows where it is now! Plus, as I read more and more poems on CAA, I started thinking that mine was worse and worse! :lol: I could start another poetry thread for my poems if you would like.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby mai » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:44 am

Anna Mae wrote:A long time ago I did. Then I got busy and didn't post for a while, it got buried, and who knows where it is now! Plus, as I read more and more poems on CAA, I started thinking that mine was worse and worse! :lol: I could start another poetry thread for my poems if you would like.

If it isn't too much trouble I'd love to see your poems ^-^
My Website [online comic]

Do you find your self worried alot of the time about things that don't always make sense?

Are you experiencing any of these?
• Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anxiety
• Overreaction to irritations
• Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed,
• Sleep too much, or sleep too little
• Unexpected loss or gain of weight
• Tiredness or restlessness
• Slowed movement, thought and/or speech
• Guilt, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness
• Inability to concentrate and poor memory
• Loss of motivation
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Suicidal thoughts and/or behavior
• Withdrawal from relationships, anti-social behavior
• Physical aches and pains that seem to have no other cause

If you have a few of the symptoms on this list, you may be suffering from a form of clinical depression there are many sites that offer advice and help.
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