It's free and on TV. Deal with it.
Heed wrote:I'm sorry, but this is very little anime in English I enjoy because so many things are cut out.
Even when I buy anime on DVD I usually watch it in JApanese with subs because I would rather see the real context of what is beaing said rather than some lame American translations.
I don't think it works alot either when they try to translate Japanese jokes and puns into English. It makes it reall bad. That is also why I like subs because in some cases, the subtitles will explain the context of the original joke or play on words so you can understand and know why you are suppoed to be laughing.
Impact Alberto wrote:It's free and on TV. Deal with it.
Heed wrote:I'm sorry, but this is very little anime in English I enjoy because so many things are cut out.
Even when I buy anime on DVD I usually watch it in JApanese with subs because I would rather see the real context of what is beaing said rather than some lame American translations.
I agree with you that some companies (read: 4kids) edit too much or seem to just edit for the heck of it but remember, most anime on TV is geared towards kids and younger teens. The TV stations in question have various guidelines and don't want a bunch of angry parents down their throats.3. Yes, I understand there is some content that should be edited out HOWEVER I believe they edit out too much sometimes. I have seen worse real shows on North American Television than is allowed in some animes.
Technically, Dragon Ball is a kid's show. Any anime based on manga that ran in Shonen Jump or Sunday is geared towards kids and teens.4. Not ALL anime is for children. I do not believe Dragon Ball or any of those in the series to be children's shows. Cowboy Bebop is far from a children's show.
I think I know a really cool solution. This has probably already been done but I don't have cable or satellite so I wouldn't know. I watch CN at my sis's house cause she has satellite. But ANYWAY...
They should have an anime channel that shows anime is all Japanese with subtitles or maybe split it up and have a certain time for subs and anther time frame for dubs, just to keep everyone happy.
MasterDias wrote: Technically, Dragon Ball is a kid's show. Any anime based on manga that ran in Shonen Jump or Sunday is geared towards kids and teens.
You are correct about Cowboy Bebop however. That's was geared towards older audiances.
I'd like to point some things out. For one thing, (and Heed, this is no bashing...I just wanted to bring this out in the open concerning opinions) since when is Naruto and FMA "good" anime? What is "good" anime?
I read that they are going to take out the Haku part with his Senbon [ Needles] . :\ ... So. Yeah, Cartoon Network is evil.
It's free and on TV. Deal with it.
Yah that sucks but you dont have to watch it.
It's free and on Tv.
snowangel kamui wrote:Have you even seen Naruto ?XD]
I have seen Naruto and I enjoy both anime and manga however I did not find FMA as everyone hyped it to be. It is obvious both series has a large fan base internationally but because of that, does that make it "good". DBZ and Sailor Moon has a huge fan base and if you apply the same logic, it would be "good" but Heed and many others has labeled it as being "crappy" and "sucky". I was bringing those particular series into light because...
[qoute="Heed"]I really don't approve with ruining all the god anime. Now, I don't mind if they bring the cruddy anime and ruin that (i.e. Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Sailor Moon etc...) But when you started destroying and editing perfectly good anime like FMA and Naruto, it bothers me.
Shao Feng-Li wrote:I don't think CN does dubbing. 4Kids and Funimation and the like do the dubbing.
Michael wrote:You also have to remember that a lot of anime could be considered illegal in the U.S.]
Uh, I don't know where your getting your info from but...
Anime, including anime with underage nudity, is legal both in the US and Japan. The U.S. government doesn't go around messing with imported animated programs. Network TV is one thing but companies can release whatever anime they want uncut on DVD.
And Burst Angel isn't even a very good example anyway, as it's far from the worst fanservice anime out there.People BLEED when they hit hit/stabbed/beaten, and I think removing the bleeding and making it look like the character was unharmed when they're stabbed is worse for a kid's psyche than seeing a little bit of blood here and there.
I agree. Kids know what blood is. (or at least I hope they do.)
Having someone look completely unharmed just looks stupid.At the same time there are things that should NOT be done to anime. Example? Mispronunciation, as I've mentioned, is perfectly fine in my book. As long as the dub sticks to one common mispronunciation - does anyone have ANY idea how maddening it is to watch a dub and hear a character's name pronounced five different ways? Not bashing dubs or anything, but it really does make one a little nutty upstairs. o.O And changing names just for the sake of changing names - I know this hasn't happened on Cartoon Network except with Sailor Moon...but, yeah. O_o; Did you know that in the Digimon dub they decided to randomly change Wallace to Willis...? I mean, if a name's nigh impossible for an English VA to pronounce fluidly, I can understand a slight change, but...goodness.
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