Haibane Shadsie wrote:Um, color me lazy on the language learning thing...
I took three years of Spanish in high school with the intent to become fluent. That faded after high school with the college credits I needed to get the degree I wanted... And... it was hard... a lot of study. I think I do want to eventually (when I have money and time) to take more Spanish classes and to try to learn it. It's a beautiful language and very practical for me in the part of the country in which I live. So... in language learning, I'd have to put Japanese aside to make Spanish my first "I wanna learn it" foriegn language. It's just a LOT more practical for me... and I live around/know native speakers... so, yeah. I encounter native speakers of Spanish nearly every day... extremely rarely encounter any native speakers of Japanese. As much as I love anime and manga, I'd have to have a more pratical reason for wanting to learn it before tackling the challenge of Spanish.
I like putting little Spanish things in my webcomic, though... stuff that I know/remember... I figure that it's kind of like how manga and anime artists like to put random English in with the main Japanese just because they think it's cool... I'm like that with Spanish... main body English... throw in a little Spanish.
Haibane Shadsie wrote:
... then my online boyfriend....
Archan wrote:First off, Hi Haibane Shadsie!
Actually, I prefer Dubs myself, but for kind of a different reason.
Usually Dubbed anime is greatly edited and softened for Western Television which for me is an added plus being I am, after all Christian. An example of what I'm talking about is Outlaw Star. When Melfina interfaces with the ship, she's pretty much naked inside that little tube. However when CTN aired it, she was covered up every single shot (Alas, the magic of Copositing). Tenchi Muyo is another example, the two main girls always fighting over Tenchi, they show off their nudity wwwaaaayyyyy too much, but just like Outlaw Star, CTN covered them up as well. Another example is the whole DBZ saga...oh you'd be surprised at exactly just how much nudity is in there as well. But CTN edited it all out before they aired it as well.
Another thing is the overall language, certain words are replaced with softer American counterparts so angry Parents wont sue networks (they are cartoons after all).
Hence why I always advise Christian newbies to the world of anime to always look at the American dubb being it's alot easier to swallow.
However there are exceptions, certain Anime (Blood, Ninja Scroll, Golden Boy) are notably for Adult and Mature viewers so editing and language alterations would be a moot point. Same goes for anime such as Medabots or Sonic X, they're primarily children orientated so eidting and alterations would once again be a moot point.
Fun fact though, ever wonder why An English Dub and English subtitles never really say the same thing? Answer, english subs are (For the most) direct translations of what the character dialogue is. However the english dub needs to be altered so it can be properly lip sync'd.
God bless,
Bobtheduck wrote:DB, a good deal of DBZ, and DBGT... Goku, Gohan, and krillin were naked a lot as kids... There wasn't very much female nudity, but it did happen occasionally... (such as one of the early eps of DB)
Besides the nudity, there was a lot of sexual humor: Groping, leering, peeping, magazines, comments... It was pretty consistant...
BishounenCookie wrote:Sorry to revive another dead one. But I just felt so compelled to say what is on my mind.
First off, I prefer dubs as well. Why? Because I have bad eyes. Yep, that's pretty much it. Dubs are not always crappy like people think. Most dubs are at least tolerable. Some dubs are really good. Examples would be probably Lain or Trigun. Trigun has got to be [arguably] the best dub ever. The english dubbed track is nearly identical to the japanese one in terms of dynamics and such. If you watch an episode of Trigun, and then watch the same episode in the opposite language, side by side, you will notice the same dynamics in the actors' voices, the same inflections, etc. Vash's voice was particularly outstanding in this way. It really makes you *feel* like you're watching it in Japanese, except that you can understand it.
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