My church has a young adult bible study, and I am the oficail babysitter for them while they study I watch thier kids.
For a while a family came, a mother and her 2 children. the mother was Kim and I can't remeber the boys name. But thier was a girl Hailey, only 4 or 5 in age. With the sadest eyes I had ever seen. No one so young should be so sad. She was super obedeint and quit. it really moved me deeply, but at the time I was younger and didn't truly understand. Looking back I believe she must have been mistreated, and wish truly I could help her. I also notice that thier father never showed up and was never mentioned.
This family only came for a short while and disapeared from my life altogether...and I had forgotten about them compleatly...untill tonight out of nowhere I saw those sad eyes in my mind and started thinking about that girl...and her family. and really have been burdened for them since. I don't think they are saved...and I don't think they have anything to do with church right now...and would ask you all to please pray for that family.