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Species: christianus drawicus

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Species: christianus drawicus

Postby Archan » Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:44 am

Name: Archan

Real Name: Joshua

Species: Christianus-drawicus

Age: Currently, 20...

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: Varies from time to time :brow:

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Drawing, Sculpting, Drawing, Writing, Drawing, Hiking, Drawing, Debating, Drawing, ZOIDS (Oh Yeah!)

Fav Color: Green

Anime Watched: ZOIDS!, Big O, Voltron, Speed Racer, Cowboy Bebop, Read Or Die, Outlaw Star, Gundam, Robotech, Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Trigun, Dragon Ball Z, Kenshin (Samurai X), Transformers, Sonic X, Ultimate Muscle, Super Book, Kimba the white lion, Digimon Season III & VI, Medabots, and there are others, just can't remeber them right now....

Manga Read: One Piece!

Quick Bio:

Live in LA, attend an Art institute (amply named the Art Institute or California-Los angeles), wear alot of leather (No, I don't wear leather pants..sheesh), luv animals, big fan of the Croc hunter (Crickey!), active church member and christian soldier, as well as a big fan of the Golden age Super Heroes.
Also, I'm a Cancer survivor, had cancer when I was nine, now I'm in five years remission, doing more then fine now however.

Other Usless Facts:

Fave Artist: Alex Ross, Yoji Shinkawa (sp?), Bruce Timm, Jim Lee, Bryan Hitch

Fave Graphic Novels: Kindom Come, HULK:Boiling Point, JLA vs JSA, The Ultimates, Orgin

Fave Super Hero Movie: BATMAN (1989, Directed by Tim Burton)

Fav Food: BEEF!

Fav Car: Humvee (No, not the H2, I'm still not sure if thats even a car...)

Other Fav viechles: Motorcycles (Anything made by Harley)

Well, I think thats it for now. Be sure to use these useless facts responsibly

God Bless,
1 Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
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Postby Shinja » Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:15 am

cool, all i have to say is i miss shazam
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Postby Razgriz » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:55 am

awesome, let me say again that I like your sig.
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Postby inkhana » Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:28 am

Isn't that sig awesome? Is that an Alex Ross, Archan?

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:34 am

Wow, great bio. :) I hope to see a lot of your drawings in the art section. :cool:

You live in L.A.? I used to rent a house in Westwood with three roomies. Do you live near there? I also lived in Downey for awhile, but that's a little ways from L.A. proper.

It's great you're in remission too. That is really wonderful to hear. Praise God. :angel:

I hope you have fun on these boards and post a lot. :dance: See you around.

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Archan » Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:00 pm

Groovey, I'm happy everyone liked my bio. I honestly thought I wrote too little.

Shinja-Yeah, Captain Marvel was the best huh? I might replace the Batman sig with Marvel's in the future when I feel like I need a change. Till then though rest assured that Marvel with make his return again. :thumb:

Sangoku-Well thanks...I like it too. :sweat:

Inky-Like I always say, ya got a good eye for art Inky ;) This is indeed Alex Ross, bonus points if you guess from which graphic novel this came from (Though I might have made it painfully obvious in the sig, oh well :lol: )

True_Noir_Chloe-Hey, I'm glad you liked the bio as well. Yess, I currently dwell in LA. More specifically in El Monte, though I use to be a resident of Whittier for ten years. I doubt it's near Westwood though, or Downey. But I know where they are. Roomies huh? Did you use to attend college here?

And thanks, it's good to be cured, or more specifically...healed. Praise God Indeed :angel:

Oh, you have no ideal how much fun I had back in the olden golden days. I'll try to post as much as I can today though, however I'll most likely be thrown back into work so I might not be back (Not counting today) till Thanksgiving. But like I said, If I don't reply right away it doesn't mean I don't care. Because I do, I am after all...a hugger ^____^

God bless,
1 Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
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Postby EireWolf » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:01 pm

Welcome, Archan! :lick:

I would love to see some of your artwork. I'm an artist too, although I'm just taking classes at the junior college and not going to some fancy art school. :sweat:

Hope you have fun here!
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:12 pm

I'm so lysdexic... I read that about 10 times and saw "Christianus Darwinicus" every time... I was like NANI?!

Anyhow, welcome
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:33 pm

In answer to your question Archan, I did attend Biola University in La Mirada for a while, I was a music major, until I couldn't afford it anymore. :( It's a very expensive college. I then worked and attended a community college nearby. And, I can not for the life of me remember the name of that community college. :stressed: It was in the early 80s. I am trying to remember where El Monte is, it sounds so familiar. I really have lived in Texas too long. :eyeroll:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Whitephoenix » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:33 pm

Welcome brother! I can't wait to see some of your artistic talent. Enjoy your time here! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: (You'll learn to love the dancing bananas)
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:34 pm

Heh. Was it Rio Hondo, or another one in that area? Just give me the city, and I'll tell you which college it was.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:09 pm

Old Phil, is your question for me? :stressed:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby EireWolf » Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:42 pm

true_noir_chloe wrote:Old Phil, is your question for me? :stressed:

*trying to sound like OldPhil* Yes it was.

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Postby Rashiir » Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:49 pm

Hey! I remember you from the MSN boards! What up?
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:36 pm

Sorry to cut in on your welcome board Archan. :sweat: I'll just answer Old Phil's question real quick. It was Cerritos College. Wow, old memories. I looked at an L.A. map and it brought a lot of memories of when me and my friends drove all over the 605 and the 710, and then the beaches down there. I was run over by a semi that destroyed my car on the 710 and nearly killed. :lol: Oh yeah, those memories. Shucks.

I found El Monte too, Archan and I remember I used to go to a really great Mexican restaurant near there, around Rosemeade or Rosecrans, I can't remember. :stressed: That's my brain for you. :lol:

Anyway, welcome again fellow Angelino (at one time).

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby andyroo » Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:04 am

>Fav Food: BEEF!

My bio had that at one time, but then I got more specific with what kind of beef. And you use the word groovy!
"As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to those who send him." ~Proverbs 10:26
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Postby Archan » Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:34 am


Groovey, fellow artist. I'll be sure to check out your stuff. As for my own artwork, I still have an active album at the old MSN site, I might just post a link to it. Any other new art I might post up might take a while, then again it might not....time will tell. but hey, dom't sweat it, on edoesn't have to attend a fancy school to become a good artist. In fact I know some fellow students whom go to the same college whom are lousy artist (I know, not a nice thing to say, but at least I was truthful no? :brow: )

Bob The Duck-

LOL....Darwinicus....HA HA HA, oh that was just too great. Rest assured I am not now, nor have I ever been an evolutionist. I stand proudly as a self proclaimed Creational Paleontologist...but I might throw in the Darwinicus into the mix just to get more funny expressions. :grin:


Bioloa? I was sooooooooo going to attend that college. But then I decided to attend the Art Institute because it seemed the most likely to benifit me in the long run.
Oh yeah, I have plentiful memories of the freeways myself, in Paritcular I am very aquainted with the 605, the 10, the 60, and the Golden State 5, all which are probably the most congested freeways of LA if not the world. My fondest memory however is of Rosehills where I got into my first accident. I never nearly got killed however (not driving anyway) so you have one up on me in that category. However lets not make this into some kind of sick contest kay? :sweat:
As for restaurants in El Monte, the only ones I've ever really been too are Lampost Pizza, and the Golden OX. I'm really not that much of a fan for Mexican food.

White Pheonix-
Thanks for the welcome, and I've already come to terms with the dancing Bananas, but do you know of the Monkey dance?


Whats Up! A vet of the old MSN group, Groovey!


What kind of beef? In the words of a true Carnivore, Does it matter? As long as it use to be kicking at one time and can be eaten with Potatoes, YUMMY! :thumb:
And yes, I use the word Groovey at least once in all of my posts (Accept maybe the serious ones, but even then it tends to sneak in there). And no, I wasn't inspired by the 70's, the term originates from the character Ash of the Evil Dead movies....GROOVEY!

God Bless,
1 Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:00 pm

Hi! Welcome to the forums!

Archan wrote:
White Pheonix-
Thanks for the welcome, and I've already come to terms with the dancing Bananas, but do you know of the Monkey dance?

The monkey dance rocks!!!!!!!!!! :rock:

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Nov 15, 2003 5:53 pm

Carnivore? I prefer the term "Meatatarian"

Why you ask? Do you call people who only eat vegitables "Herbavores"? I didn't think so... ^_- Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Archan » Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:35 pm

Link Antillies-
Hey, thanks for the welcome!
Yeah the Monkey dance ROCKS!!!!!! :grin:

Bob The Duck-
Actually, I do call them Herbivores....he he he :grin:

God bless,
1 Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
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Postby andyroo » Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:50 pm

Well, I went with, I think, Sirloin Steak, but I guess when you do get down to it, it really doesn't matter.
"As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to those who send him." ~Proverbs 10:26
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Postby EireWolf » Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:20 am

Just thought I'd come here and spam your welcome thread with excessive praise for your sculptures. :grin: I commented in your art forum thread too, but I *really* like your sculptures... :thumb:
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