wildarmsheero wrote:I don't see how one could like the dub over the sub, but that's just me.
wildarmsheero wrote:Overall, I felt the review was unfair. Samurai Champloo by nature is a wacky series that should not be taken too seriously. The historical innaccurcies were done on purpose, this is even addressed at the begining of the show.
wildarmsheero wrote:[spoiler]Also, religion does play a major part in the plot. Fuu's father was a Christian, and the reason he left is because he didn't want his family to be hurt. This is rather important considering this is the person Fuu is searching for, which is the plot of the show.[/spoiler]
wildarmsheero wrote:I watched Samurai Champloo as it was airing in Japan via fansubs and overall I felt the sub had a better, more loose energy to it. The dub, while decent, just lacks the same energy that the Japanese track had. Espcially Mugen's voice. Mugen just sounds better in Japanese.
uc pseudonym wrote:Did the thought occur to you that I might have meant "dually"? The comment could well have been of two purposes. [You are correct.]
Sao_Sakura wrote:What a coicidence, I was just looking around for tha name of tha ending song. Does anyone know?
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