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Aspects of Kenshin

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Aspects of Kenshin

Postby Galant » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:25 pm

Okay, I was wondering what specific aspects of the anime it is that make you a fan of Rurouni Kenshin?

That is, what is it that you get out of Kenshin, or that you find there, that make you a fan, or keep you coming back? Is it just the animation or music, or something else - perhaps something in the story?

Think deep people and let me know.

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Postby Jeikobu » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:35 pm

I'll try to sum it up best I can. I like the themes, like redemption. The animation is nice (and it's maybe the best I've ever seen in the OVAs, along with the latest Miyazaki films), and the music is great, and the characters are deep and very likable (or in cases like Shishio, dislikable). The fight scenes are also fantastic. And one of my favorite parts is simply that it takes place in an older age of Japan where it is more traditional for the most part. Today I am highly disappointed to see how Americanized Japan has become, so seeing anything that shows more of their real culture is great.
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Postby Lyren » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:40 pm

One of the aspects of Kenshin that I have greatly enjoyed from the beginning is the message of the plot. It shows that one can begin a new life and leave behind past mistakes and yet, at the same time, cannot avoid the consequences of their sin. In the midst of a lot of pessimistic plots, Rurouni Kenshin has one that is very deep and very optimistic.
Along that same line, the series also shows some good insight into the conflicts that arise for one who engages in any sort of combat. It deals with issues such as the choice between disregarding ones life or fighting to stay alive. It deals with the problems of a foolish self-sacrificing mindset, the importace of a single human life, death, and many others.

The characters are excellent, they are unique and likable. The score is one the best that I have ever heard. The fights are very fast-paced and exciting but they never become the focus of the series. 90% of every "fight" in Kenshin is dialogue or flashbacks to an important time in the life of Kenshin or his opponent. I always really like the comic relief. It's so silly and random but I love it anyway. In fact, the only faults I found in Rurouni Kenshin are parts of the third arc of the TV series and the Reflection OVA
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Postby Cedahlia » Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:36 pm

The plot drew me in, especially that episode early on with the battle between Kenshin and Saitou. (The first one I ever saw.)
The character's personalities are realistic, there is a good balance between seriousness and comedy...I love the artwork, and the music is wonderful.
The theme is just really touching, I suppose. It had so much more meaning than any other cartoon/anime I had seen at the time, and since Kenshin was what really got me interested in anime the show holds a special place in my heart.
It made me really about how much a life is really worth, and how no matter what horrible things happened to you or terrible things you did, you can always go on, and things will get better.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:33 pm

Oh, wow...Where do I start! XD

Well, when I first saw the show, I thought it was a nice change that the main character didn't kill everyone. I also enjoyed the samurai-type theme. As I continued to watch, the characters quickly grew on me (naturally! ^_^), the show cracked me up, the battles were so fun to watch, and it was an all around interesting show. I was completely sold on watching when I saw ep. 7, where Kenshin fights Jin-e...I LOVE that episode! I guess I'm just a sucker for the romantic aspect of Ruroken, too! ^_^

Anyways, as the show progressed, I started getting more interested in the historical aspect as well. I was dissapointed when I saw that my World History textbook only had 3 lousy sentences on the Meiji Restoration! ~.>

I also really liked the fact that Kenshin was against the whole "killing yourself for lack of honor" thing. There was somthing he said in one of the Raijuuta eps...Something about how it takes courage to live. I also liked how it showed that anger doesn't accomplish anything, which was the complete opposite of DBZ (the last anime I had watched on a regular basis), and that was a refreshing change. I also think it's good to see a male anime character that's polite as Kenshin is! ^_^ And the conflict between Kenshin and his Battousai side is 3/4 of what makes the battles so suspenseful. I was literally on the edge of my seat during the second Kenshin/Jin-e battle. The villains always make you want to hate them, and yet you're still relieved when Kenshin doesn't kill them.

Well, anyways, I LOVE the characters, the storyline is so intriguing, the battles are fun to watch (Kenshin is just so awesome! ^_^x), I LOVE the romantic aspect, the comedy cracks me up, and the historical aspect is really, really interesting! I just love Ruroken!! ^_^
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:28 pm

>...Something about how it takes courage to live.

Yeah, sign me up for that too.

I wonder if Nobuhiro Watsuki watched Braveheart? "Every man dies... but not every man truly lives."
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Postby oro! » Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:42 pm

Man, y'all really summed it all up for me....

although the figthing styles are what get me in. I Like to imitate them and see how the characters beat every new thing thrown at them. BOy, Kenshin doesn't get much peace. He has to constantly push
himself to beat back all of the evil guys, while staying Rurouni.
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