For security reasons, this site will be shutting down on Monday, February 24 at 10:00 AM Pacific time. Thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years. We may be back in another capacity, but there is no time frame. If you have data you wish to save, you are encouraged to download or save it to your computer before the forums close.



Unleash your creative writing skills here.


Postby steelbeliever » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:12 am

my friend and i are working on a one shot title...anyway, its about this irphen girl whose folks were in a car wreck and she is left alone...she goes back to her hosue before she goes to lvie with foster folks and finds a book in her folks' room...when she opens the book, it sucks her into this alternate world where she meets a fish man and a flying snake dude...they msut defeat the bad guy and save the day...probably seems lame but we haven't had time to work out the kinks...the characters ideas are pretty good so far, but we haven't worked on the story or gettign a christian theme much yet...criticize away...we really, really, really need it! :bang:
you're just a line in a song
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