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Team story

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Team story

Postby gameoverblue » Fri May 13, 2005 10:46 am

Okay, I'm new here so somebody has probably already done this. If so tell me and I'll go there. Let's do a team story. Basically, I'll start with a few paragraphs and then the next person that wishes writes a few. THese are the rules through.

Everything already listed as a rule on CCA
only a few paragraphs. If the paragraphs are too short, you may have more but don't go too long.
try and stick with the characters, don't kill them all off and start on your own story.
Leave it open and place mystery in it that even you don't know the answer.
other than that, do what you want. I'm going I'm curious to know where this goes.

Jenka entered the woods with the smell of ashe lingering in the air. He walked on in fear of what lay behind every tree and stone. He did not know what beast haunted these lands, but he feared it.

A gust of wind shook the trees. He took out his sword in his panic. There was nothing there. The sun was low and was shrouded by the trees. He smelled the scent of death. He was too familar with that stench.

He heard shouting. He dashed in the direction of the scream. As he ran, the scream slowly faded into silence. A bird fell from the sky. Jenka picked it up and examined it. Instead of a beak, it had a mouth. Jenka panicked and throw it to the ground.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Wed May 18, 2005 8:58 am

Sorry but my addition is rather long:

Part 2
Jenka stood panting, staring at the strange creature on the forest floor before him. It seemed to be dead, its small dark eyes frozen in a perpetual stare. Right above its left eye, blood oozed from a cut that looked like it came from a claw.

This realization intensified the fear in Jenka and he looked frantically around him afraid that a terrible monster would suddenly jump from the shadowy recesses. There was a shuffle of leaves behind him and Jenka spun around, brandishing his blade before him, but instead of the blood-thirsty monster he knew would be staring him down. There was another of the strange bird creatures. The creature stood upright and apparently unafraid of Jenka's height. It wasn't even looking at him, it stared wide-eyed at the apparently dead creature beside Jenka. As Jenka watched the creature closed its eyes and began to sing a song that filled Jenka's heart with sorrow. He felt the sadness that this creature felt for its friend. He felt each and every note as it came like a smooth river from the creature's mouth.

For a long time the creature just continued singing until the song seemed to slowly die away into an echo within Jenka's mind. Jenka wondered if the creature could talk. He took a step foward, but immediately stopped as the creatures eyes snapped open and glared at him. The creature's mouth opened and it screeched loudly. There were suddenly screams all around Jenka. The sound pierced his ears sending a wave of pain through his body. He fell to his kness and slapped his hands to his ears trying to block out the sound.

The sound came anyway.

Jenka closed his eyes and yelled, but his cry was lost in the piercing chorus. There was a prick on his arm and just like that, the sound stopped. A warm feeling flowed through Jenka's arm and he felt it fall limp. The warmth spread through his body and he fell in a heap, unable to move. Jenka stared in disbelief as several hundred of the creatures appeared from the forest and began to drag him back in with them.
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Location: I saw a squirrel! ...... It was going like this!!!

Postby Swordguy » Wed May 18, 2005 12:31 pm

*A while later*

Jenka awoke to a strange figure in weird looking armor standing above him. Jenka blinked a few times and started to move around.
-"So you awake, and a stranger to these parts." The man above him said.
-"Yes but who are you?"
-"I Am Micah X The..." Then the stanger feel deffly quite as if the next few words were forbiden to say. "I am sorry you came to this land as it's amassed great peral. The kindom that ruled this land has just been overthrown and taken over by an evil tirent." Jenka looked at Micah with shock.
-"This land? where is it?"
-"This land once nick named the Land of the Rainbow for the beauty that glised off of everything. But now that beauty is faiding." then slightly under his breath Micah mutters "I wish there was somehting i could do."
-"What could you do? why does it fall on you?"
-"becasue...never mind that lets attend to your wounds. The poision of the Farwillow bird only stuns, you will be fine."
-"Thanks, Micah. i am glad you happened to be wondering by."
-"I live here now, ever sense the Kingdom was over thrown. this is my home. then entrance into this land."
This man is strange, i can feel that he is hiding something that he is afraid of. but i am thankful that he happened upon me. Jenka thought
-"By the way the name is Janka."
-"Well Jenka lets get you back to my home."
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Postby mastersquirrel » Thu May 19, 2005 1:04 pm

I'm up again. Unless you want to go in a certain order. I just have an idea.
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Location: I saw a squirrel! ...... It was going like this!!!

Postby Swordguy » Thu May 19, 2005 1:06 pm

go for it...that is the poit i belive...when you have one to go with it
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Postby mastersquirrel » Fri May 20, 2005 7:45 am

I'm sorry it's so long, but I couldn't make it any shorter without losing any of the meaning:

Part 4
Jenka followed Micah through a winding trail for a few minutes before they entered a clearing. The "home" as Micah called it was more of a camp. There was a small fire mound in the center of the clearing where no overhanging branches could be caught in its flames and a tent of sorts was erected nearby. The tent seemed to have been hastily constructed originally and over the course of its life it had been bettered until it reached its current condition, which wasn't the best of conditions.

Micah walked over to a set of two logs that sat near the fire mound and sat down on one, motioning Jenka to sit in the other. Jenka sat down and noticed that the fire was still going slightly. Micah reached behind his log and produced a pot and stand of sorts. "Would you like some soup?" Micah inquired.

Jenka hadn't had food in nearly two days and he immediatly nodded his head in answer. Micah left shortly returned with water from a nearby stream in the pot. He erected the stand and added herbs and plants that Jenka did not recognize. While the soup was cooking over the fire, Micah sat and cleared his throat. "So, where do you come from?"

Jenka looked at his rescuer sadly and shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it. You said those creatures were Farwillow birds?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, that they are. Farwillow birds, dreadful creatures," Micah's gaze flickered toward the tent and returned back to Jenka.

Jenka nodded thoughtfully. "When I came into the forest, I heard screaming and shouting and I ran toward it. I didn't know why I just did. When I got there one of those birds fell from the trees above me. Next thing I know, another one comes from the forest and screams this deafening scream. Then there were hundreds of them and they pricked me with something and I was paralyzed."

"Ah... is that how it happened?" Micah seemed unsure.

"Yeah. I guess they thought I'd killed it, but it had a claw mark on its head."

Micah's eyes widened. "A claw mark?!" He turned and gazed at the tent. "A claw mark?"

Jenka was confused. He followed the man's gaze and only saw the tent, yet the man didn't take his eyes off it. Presently, a small bird-like creature walked from the tent and nodded. "It's one of those birds!" Jenka cried.

Jenka turned to Micah for an answer and found that the man wasn't so big any more. The strange armor that he'd worn no longer appeared as armor but as what it had looked like, feathers. And Micah wasn't the tall man he once was, rather, he was small. The size of the birds.

"I must apologize for this fiasco and the confusion," Micah's voice said from the bird's mouth. "I feel I must introduce myself again. I am Micah, the historian and linguist of the Farwillows."

If I may ask, if you don't mind try to check your spelling before you submit your new section. If need be write it in Word, spell check, and then submit so we don't get confused.
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Postby Swordguy » Fri May 20, 2005 1:23 pm

Jenka looks at Micah stuned.
-"Maybe i should exsplain a bit." Micah says hopping onto the log.
-"You should sit down, and maybe this form will be better suited for you." Micah says once again changeing back into the armored man. "It was a long time ago when i fisrt came to this land. A young warrior not much unlike yourself. i stumbled onto this land much by accedent. Young and arrogent i helped save a young woman from one of the many mosters living in this strange land. it was so long ago i don't think i remember what it was, nor the name i used to live by. Shortly after that i became the town hero and they called me by a new name. Micah X"
-"But your a bird...human thing..." Jenka mutters.
-"I am getting to that, in my youthful arogece i managed to let the relic of this land, the Raibow orb fall into evil hands. The tyrent that now rules this land is that person. I found out about his plans and i knew i had to stop him before he took all the power for himslef. In the mist of him obsorbing the power i crushed the orb, shattering it's colors else where. The color blue went into me, giving me the ablity of shapeshifting. the color of red went into him, giving him unmersable strenth and power. but in doing so a curse was placed on the land. the citecins were tuned into the farwillows. and slowly it is dieing. Monsters now abide everywhere, it is not safe anywhere but this forest. The farwillows have dubed me their linguist because i can comunicate with other beings."
-"The others colors where are they?" Jenka asks trying to figure everything out.
-"Scatered thru out the land, but because of the curse i am the only one capable of leaving this forest to search for them. i have tried but have failed. it was to hard for me alone."
-"I will help you!" Jenka says enthousiaticly.
"-It would be better if you were just to leave and forget about us."
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Postby gameoverblue » Sun May 22, 2005 1:48 pm

"No, I will help you," Jenka said.
"No, just go!" replied Micah. "I have seen what horrors these monsters are capable of. Just Go back to your home!"
"I can not."
"I don't know where it is?"
"Listen, this is all I know. I opened my eyes one day, and a saw a sorcerer over me. He told me that if I wanted to have my memory back, I must complete my quest. Then he threw a map to me and disappeared. The map pointed to this location. To help you must be my quest."
"Let's take his help!" said a smaller bird behind them. "now that Frim is dead, we may need his help."
"this is Arp," said Micah.
"Who is Frim?" asked Jenka.
"The dead bird you found. You said there was a claw mark. That claw mark, that could mean only mean one thing. And if that the case, we are all in extreme danger!"
procrastination is a virtue.

theory- lets say you work on a project, you spent hours on it, then you die. Then in heaven you think to yourself, why did I waste those hours. :thumb:
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Postby Swordguy » Wed May 25, 2005 9:51 am

-"Jenka, this is very important, was it three claw marks with the middle one not as deep as the rest?" Micah asked
-"Yes it was why do you ask?"
-"This is worse than I thought normally a dreg doesn't come this far into the forest."
-"A dreg?"
-"No time to exsplain. Here is your sword." Micah says tossing it at Jenka. 'Now you are a skilled fighter right, not some want to be?"
-"Yes i am a skilled swordsman."
-"Good lets hope who ever sent you knew what they were doing, now follow me." Micah said as Jenka put on his armor. "Now Arp you take the rest of them into hiding." Micah yelled as he and Jenka took of running.
-"Where we going?" Jenka asked
-"THe most likly spot a dreg would be, near the cliff."
Micah stops as he hears some rusling in the bushes. he removes his blad jsut in time to see what Jenka would describe a lion with no fir and black skin. It pounces on Micah as he stabs into it's cheast and flings it over him. flying right over the near by cliff.
-" So that is a dreg?"
-"No that is a less, those are dregs." Micah said as he pointed to cliff. Hundres of dregs circled over the valley below. "OH yeah this is worse than i thought."
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Postby mastersquirrel » Wed May 25, 2005 12:58 pm

There's one thing I want to note. You might want to make sure that you're always using the same tense. It helps to keep the story from getting too confusing.

Part 8
"What are they doing here?" Jenka asked quietly.
"They seem to be congregating around that small lake," Micah pointed down into the valley. "It must be watering time."
"How are we supposed to defeat all of these creatures?"
"The dregs have a matriarchal system, meaning that the mother is the leader in the family," Micah replied. "The dregs have one alpha female that basically rules the rest of them. If we were able to kill off the alpha female the dreg's system would be destroyed."
"How does that help?" Jenka asked.
"Well, whenever the leader of the dregs is killed, the rest of the females fight for the spot at the top."
"You mean that they will start to kill themselves off right here?"
"Oh no, they're not that stupid. They'll leave to a place where they are perfectly safe and do it. This at least buys us some time to get the Farwillows to safety."
Jenka looked down into the valley and said, "How do we know which one is the alpha female?"
Micah pointed and Jenka saw a terrible beast that looked like it could tear the fiercest of lions to shreds in its sleep. Jenka sighed. "Great! How are we supposed to take on a thing like that?"
"I don't know," Micah answered, "but we'd better think of something quick."
Jenka saw it too. Five massive dregs were coming up the valley's slope toward them, fangs glisening in the sunlight. Jenka and Micah brought their swords to bear.
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Postby gameoverblue » Thu May 26, 2005 9:48 am

Before either of them could say a word, a dreg slashed Micah in the arms. Jenka quickly sliced the head off of it. THe other dregs gave a loud roar.
"Here, take this!" said Micah. He tossed Jenka a bottle. Jenka caught it and ducked from a dreg attack.
"What is it," asked Jenka.
"Just drink it!" Micah said as he drank a bottle of it. Jenka followed suit as he defended himself from the other four dregs. Suddenly, he felt light. He began to float.
"This could be useful," said Jenka as he flew over the dreg. Micah, who was more used to the flying had already killed a dreg by flying over it and stabbing it.
"Very useful!" said Micah. The other thirty Dregs began their attack. Micah flew straight into them with sword raised. Jenka reluctantly followed. "Find and kill the mother, we only have a little time before this stuff wears off!"
procrastination is a virtue.

theory- lets say you work on a project, you spent hours on it, then you die. Then in heaven you think to yourself, why did I waste those hours. :thumb:
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Postby Swordguy » Fri May 27, 2005 9:53 am

Jenka looks up as the the queen flew by. There she is! Jenka thought comencing persuit. dodging and slicing his way thru the dregs, he thought he broke free until a wall masses infront of him. "Ahhhh!" He screams as he screaches to a hault. how am i suposed to get past this? he thinks jsut as out of no where a dragon rips a hole thru the wall of dregs. "What the...." then stalling no longer he flys thru. jsut in time to see the dragon transform back into Micah.
"Jenka go now!" Micah screams as he starts holding off as many dregs as he can."
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

Quest for the True Grail

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"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
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