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Neon Genesis Evangelion

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 17, 2003 12:42 pm

The verse regarding the devil as an angel of light... I believe it addresses something about his mode of temptation more than making a point about actual angels. It's just saying that he isn't going to appear evil, or like a red guy with tights and horns, he's going to be majestic, and seductive (in a purely non-sexual way).

Though the urge to "evolve" beyond others is often something I would deem an "angel of light..."
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Postby funnyvalentine » Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:55 pm

ok i know i'm late on this but man...people have some strong feelings on this anime...
i personally love it...and i think people shouldn't say it's sick and twisted when they haven't seen most of it to know. *sigh* but i guess that's their opinion...and the way i see it they're the ones missing out...
i think the issue is a personal one. If you feel your mature enough as a Christian so something like this wont bother you then you can watch it. I mean if God convicted me on it i'd give it up of coarse but he hasn't because i don't think it's that big of a deal. The masturbation and (implied)sex scene were two short parts in the movie and don't reflect the rest of it. Also keep in Mind Anno meant to put those scenes as a sort of slap in the face to certain veiwers(as stated in the anime cafe review). If you watch the series, it's all pretty clean but the movies were meant to be more vulgar in some ways. And, it's not something you havent seen or will be faced with. I'm in no way saying it's right, i'm just saying it's not a question of being faced with it, because you will, it's a question of how you react to it. Again i return to the personal issue. If you feel God's convicting you don't watch it or stop watching it. As far as it mocking Christianity...Gainax themselves said they never meant to imply any religious or anti-religious themes, specifically Christian ones. They said if they had known it was going to be such a hit in the US(where there are way more Christians then in Japan) they would have done it differently.
There are also alot of positive themes and occurances in the series...but this is long enough. So in conclusion, it is, in my opinion, an amazing anime in every aspect, but be warned: for mature audiences only!
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Postby LorentzForce » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:48 am

good on you funnyvalentine. finally someone who's a member of CAA who also knows about NGE.
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Postby funnyvalentine » Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:30 pm

yes yes tis a great anime
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:51 pm

You made a lot of good points funnyvalentine. I dunno if they would mock Christianity intentionally either...perhaps they just don't know much about it...also I could see that they don't have a lot of er....reverance for it...hmm. It doesn't necessarily make it right, but...hmm. I dunno, I'm rambling. Moving on...

I've read the manga. I have all that's available except number seven (dangit...). I like it a lot, and it's pretty clean for the most part, 'sep for some nudity (that was a strange scene.....o.O; ), mild language, and some violence (of course...they're fighting a war, there's bound to be violence...).

I have to say that...these...discussions on CAA have me rather confused, and now I'm afraid to say I like the series on these forums. :( But I'm entitled to my opinion ne? And I think we've made it -quite- clear that this show is NOT for the young or faint of heart. Therefore I don't believe we can be held responsible if someone that falls into either of those categories decides to give the series a shot. People are responsible for their -own- actions, ne? If I'm wrong, correct me.

I think I'm done now. ::braces herself.::
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 19, 2003 1:42 pm

and now I'm afraid to say I like the series on these forums.

Dear me, I hope that's not the general consesus around here. You should never be afraid to say you enjoyed a series, but just realize we're not going to just say "hey whatever you watch is fine!" We're just not that kind of community. When questionable things like that come up, CAA will take a stance, and the rest is up to you. If you guys want to rant/rave about the show, there's a whole thread for it just like there's a thread for Trigun. But we will never condemn you for your personal convictions.
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Postby LorentzForce » Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:58 am

actually Ashley, it seems like everyone here feels that the higher powered members in CAA will stomp them if they even say that they like the series.

i feel that people are acting hypocritically around here...


meh :P
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:59 am

We were not trying to stomp on anyone,and I'm sorry it came off as personal attacks. But it sounded like you guys were just brushing off some of the more controversial issues in the series, and to keep us faithful to the calling, I couldn't allow that. Part of our mission is to tell the whole truth about a series, whether it makes us popular or not, because people honestly deserve to know what was in something.
I know that the way we dealt with one member was...harsh. But it wasn't because he liked NGE; it was because he was turning the thread into a debate and posting without an attitude of courtesy or the willingness to hear anyone else out. Anyone that starts acting rude and provocatively will be spoken to, no matter what anime they happen to like.
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Postby LorentzForce » Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:19 am

it's not that member's problem thing that i think people worried about.

really, you guys didn't do anything wrong in terms of administrating the board and moderating it.

it's just that the review you guys based the facts was so crummy that it's useless. most reviewers only see the series once. that's like eating one cold tablet out of 200 you're supposed to swallow and say that it still feels cold. of course you still have cold. you can't say that 1 tablet didn't do anything when you didn't swallow the rest 199 tablets.

look what djnoz posted first. he gave it a good review. he said there is nudity, some graphic problems and violence, and is not for the children. i agree to that. there are scenes that's NOT for children.

but why do other people say that they still have good sources of this series, but themselves didn't even see it, and still say it's bad? even when one who saw it says it's good?

that's my problem. bluntly put. just my continuation of 'what the?'.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:25 am

I suppose the disagreement in this comes from what you would consider a 'good' source. Example: yes I pulled my evidence from the Anime Cafe even though I'd never seen the series. Why? Because I've read their reviews for anime I have seen and I know they do a pretty good job about mentioning bad stuff; hence, I trust them to know what they're talking about. Same reason some people will buy a video game if it got high marks in magazine they like.
Usually if it's an anime I haven't seen, I'll try to stay out of the thread a bit, but when it gets controversial sometimes I have to step in; that's part of the job. But, what's said is said; and DjNoz's review is the one that we--officially speaking here--will go by.
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Postby LorentzForce » Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:29 am

it's because NGE is one of those anime that's very, very hard to understand. it usually cannot be interpreted fully by a person who watches all other sorts of anime. it's just that complicated. there are so many things to solve. it took me 3 years to figure most of them out with help of others, then what are the odds that the reviewers who mostly just watch it once get the point of it?

let's forget this. as long as NGE exists, these threades around the net will exist, and most of them can't be solved.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:31 am

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Off topic...

Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jun 20, 2003 9:54 am

This was very nice to see. There were so many ways this could have turned into a bitter argument. But people have let their feelings go and let things come to an end. Good. If we have failed in everything else, we have not failed in at least maintaining Christian respect for one another. Way to go!
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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:35 am

Originally posted by LorentzForce
it's not that member's problem thing that i think people worried about.

really, you guys didn't do anything wrong in terms of administrating the board and moderating it.

it's just that the review you guys based the facts was so crummy that it's useless. most reviewers only see the series once. that's like eating one cold tablet out of 200 you're supposed to swallow and say that it still feels cold. of course you still have cold. you can't say that 1 tablet didn't do anything when you didn't swallow the rest 199 tablets.

look what djnoz posted first. he gave it a good review. he said there is nudity, some graphic problems and violence, and is not for the children. i agree to that. there are scenes that's NOT for children.

but why do other people say that they still have good sources of this series, but themselves didn't even see it, and still say it's bad? even when one who saw it says it's good?

that's my problem. bluntly put. just my continuation of 'what the?'.

"there is nudity, some graphic problems and violence"
That part on its own bugged me a, just because you can watch nudity violence....etc. Does not mean everyone can...hence our review of the anime...see what I am saying? Some things need to be explained. You quote Noz like you think he is an outsider....Noz's review is the offical CAA review. Those other things were posted for a point of view...just like you posted your opinions 20 was YOUR point of view. Having one POV on the site for an anime is never good. Noz's review read in short, that it was a good anime...for older members....and that it has questionable content. Which it does...series and movie alike. Now...lets put this to rest. If you want to watch NGE go for it. CAA does not recomend it due to its content. However...does that mean you can't watch it? Nope.
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Postby funnyvalentine » Fri Jun 20, 2003 4:48 pm

Ok i understand and respect your opinion on the series but i think it's just slightly hypocritical and biased. You seem to have an attitude that's completely against the whole series, when you haven't even seen it! Because of one review, you do not "recommend it". There is alot of GOOD themes in the series and it's made me realize alot of things that have helped me. I am not justifying in any way the violence, and graphic content of the two movies...but the series itself was pretty clean, and the movies were genious in my opinion but definetely for a mature audience who won't let it bother them. I don't want to start an argument here, i'm just saying i think you guys should at least watch the series yourself before making too harsh judgements on it.
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Postby Straylight » Fri Jun 20, 2003 4:55 pm

Yes, the story is deep, intelligent and entertaining. However, having watched the uncut series I gotta say there is some blood and nudity :/
Though other members of the CAA team haven't watched EVA, I have and there is some nasty stuff in there that's definatly not for kids.

Please don't turn this into a fight anyway :/
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:25 pm

We kept this thread open so the NGE fans could talk about the series, not debate endlessly over the review. So, for the last time, Noz's review is the official one and the stance is Not For Young Viewers. CAA won't recommend it because of the content. Period. Yes some of the administration hadn't seen it, but we did our research, and found out what was in there. Yes it got a slightly negative review, and no amount of NGE fans is going to change it. Do I think it might have some sort of positive material in there? Maybe. But it won't change the stance we've taken on it.
Truth be told, I'm tired of arguing about this, and I was a long time ago. We all agree this is a controversial series, and it's not for everyone; that point's been made numerous times. So please, let's just move on, okay? If this thread doesn't stop turning into a debate, I'll close it and the fans can chat about the series via pm messaging.
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Postby funnyvalentine » Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:45 pm

oh sorry ebd i wasn't talking to you;)
But anyway yeah this is getting too heated so no hard feelings.
Long live NGE!
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Postby Gypsy » Fri Jun 20, 2003 9:26 pm

This is what I have to say about NGE ...
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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Jun 21, 2003 1:07 am

to general readers, i'm mentioning no direct member name unless overrided

Originally posted by Ashley
So, for the last time, Noz's review is the official one and the stance is Not For Young Viewers.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING! he never said it was bad in quality! and i said that kids shouldn't watch it! but then why do people get on my posts saying that i'm disagreeing to it?

by Shatterheart
"there is nudity, some graphic problems and violence"
That part on its own bugged me a, just because you can watch nudity violence....etc. Does not mean everyone can...hence our review of the anime...see what I am saying? Some things need to be explained. You quote Noz like you think he is an outsider....Noz's review is the offical CAA review.

i think i clearly said that kids shouldn't watch this.

djnoz said
Though other members of the CAA team haven't watched EVA, I have and there is some nasty stuff in there that's definatly not for kids.

there ya go. he says there's nasty stuff in there, i say it's not for kids, everyone else agrees that it's not for children, so what's the problem?

i'm agreeing to Noz. why? because he saw the series. others didn't. so how can they know?

if there's something i learnt in my history classes, is that primary source is better than secondary source.

do remember NGE is how Anno sees the world. no one else can describe it other than himself. reviewers aren't Anno, most of them probably didn't even see Anno real life. then how would they know what Anno really thinks?

funnyvalentine said
i'm just saying i think you guys should at least watch the series yourself before making too harsh judgements on it.

behold, another person who watched NGE saying that people should review it after they've seen it. THANK YOU! :D

this isn't arguing. it's a discussion.
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Postby Gypsy » Sat Jun 21, 2003 6:18 am

I should start keeping count on how many times the exact same thing is repeated on this thread. Truly amazing.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:20 am

Yeah, a lot of stuff gets said multiple times. Including the fact that people are saying things multiple times.
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Postby inkhana » Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:16 am

I *think* this is the first time I've posted in this thread. But I'm just gonna say that when there is certain content present (as EVERYONE will admit, whether they've seen it firsthand or read a review to this effect), certain members are going to avoid it. Period. That's the way things are. They aren't going to take the time to search for whatever deeper meaning there may be because they're too busy dodging. The show (and it could be ANY show) may have the best plot ever but if it's so full of things that a person finds mentally defiling to watch (depending on their own convictions) <--note the italics...they will not watch.

if there's something i learnt in my history classes, is that primary source is better than secondary source.

That's all well and good, but in history, "primary source" would involve taking a time machine and stand there with a camera filming the action as it happens.

This is getting repetitive and ridiculous. Some have their views. Others have theirs. Get over it already!

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Postby funnyvalentine » Sat Jun 21, 2003 6:30 pm

ok ok calm down...geez... about the eva fans get to talk about the series now because unless i've misunderstood, that's what this thread is for, right?
So i'll start.
I'm assuming you(the eva fan) has seen the two movies that are the "alternate ending" to the which ending did you like better, the original from the series, or the alternate from the movies?
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Postby Gypsy » Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:24 pm

Originally posted by funnyvalentine
ok ok calm down...geez...

Feel free to leave stuff like that out of your next post.

Carry on with your multiple endings discussion.
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Postby funnyvalentine » Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:30 pm

I'll post whatever i want but thanks anyway
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Postby Gypsy » Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:39 pm

Hey, no problem. But, let me put it another way. Don't be rude to a moderator who is just trying to bring peace back to this very, very touchy thread.
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Postby inkhana » Sat Jun 21, 2003 10:28 pm

I think so too...

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Postby LorentzForce » Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:21 am

as for me, i liked the series one better. i like the EoE one too, but it feels like Anno changed his mind a bit after the series because of all the fan thoughts and whatnot.

you know... i like original thought...

but in no way am i bashing EoE. it's excellent. high graphic visuals never seen in NGE series, very frantic and fast moving scenes that dazzle the audience, high sound quality (better than stereo :P) and let not forget the ZING going through your spines while watching it.


but the idea does get corrupted. poor Anno...
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Postby funnyvalentine » Sun Jun 22, 2003 10:11 pm

hmm i don't think he had a bad life...he just got all these death threats cause no one liked the original ending...i personally liked it, cause at least it was original. They were both rather abrupt, but i guess it's good to leave the audience with that sense of "...and then what?" I have a question but it includes spoilers...


is this far enough down?

ok...I'm just trying to make sure i understand the endings right... So in the original, Shinji chooses unite all souls or whatever and in the EoE ending he rejects instrumentality thus being left as the only survivor of third impact besides asuka?
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