Who attends a regular church service?

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Who attends a regular church service?

Postby Mithrandir » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:58 pm

NOTE: I'm not really expecting anyone to comment, but I think the poll would provide interesting demographic info.

I hope this isn't gonna get plastered by the moderators (I can't think of any reason it would), but I just saw:
Most users ever online was 35, 07-20-2003 at 06:26 AM.
That means the most uses we ever had was on last Sunday morning. Is this MY time zone, or everyone's? If it's mine, then that means it was 7:26 Mountain, 8:26 Central and 9:26 Eastern. :) There are a few reasons this could be the case:
1. Very few people here are in America.
2. No one likes church here.
3. No one here goes to church before 10:00 AM, and loves to hang out here before hand.
4. Everyone here goes to church on Saturday.
5. It was 6:45 in, like, London and everyone here was just up late Sat night.
6. I am a stupid Redneck.

Now before everyone get's mad at me, let me state for the record that I have mulled this over for at least an entire minute. In the interest of fairness, I have decided to post a poll. So here it is. This is the best list I can come up with (given ADHD).
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Postby MillyFan » Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:07 pm

I go to church every Sunday.

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Postby snowyangel » Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:18 pm

As much as I possibly can!
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:31 pm

I don't usually attend Wednesday night services, but I'm at church for both services on Sundays.
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Postby Spiritsword » Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:47 pm

I go to a Christian, non-denominational church on Sunday mornings, almost every week. I go back to the church I grew up in, an Episcopal church, on Christmas and Easter, with my family. And I try to attend the young adult service at my regular church some Sunday nights.

During the school year they have BSF, an adult Bible study, in Bloomington as well as in cities across the nation. Our men's BSF meets Monday nights. I attended that last year for the study of John and really enjoyed it. Next year's study is "Israel and the Minor Prophets"... I'm a little unsure about that one, but I enjoyed last year a lot and learned and was inspired A LOT so I'm planning on attending again this year. (If anyone wants info on BSF let me know!)

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Postby Kenchii » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:04 pm

I have went to church only 2 times in my life. I am true christian believer, and read the Bible constantly. I was never bapised (sorry for the typo) though. I really want to get bapised before I am 20. My mother is christian and went to church alot. My dad is christian, but act like one. Umm, thats about it.


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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:06 pm

Wow. There's quite a bit of diversity here. I think it's great to see so many different ideas about true Christianity coexisting.
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Postby Gleph » Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:15 pm

I go every sunday. And to youthgroups, bible studies, etc...
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Postby Rev. Doc » Wed Jul 23, 2003 6:49 am

My wife says I never come home. There could be some truth to that.
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Postby LorentzForce » Wed Jul 23, 2003 8:16 am

instead of my mother making the kids (including me to go to church), it's me who makes them go to church. weird huh? or isn't it...

anyway, i can only attend on Sunday. well, they have the 'Highschool People Sermon Area' where we have our sermons seperated with juniors and seniors, and also do Bible Study where we discuss stuff. yeah, i'd say i'm a regular guy who goes to church.

but there are some days where it's just impossible to go to church. the days when school come first. my idea was to bring in the projects to church and do them there while listening to the sermon, but it's a bad idea, considering all the electronic components and the necessity of EVE, my computer. so i can't :(

and for me to be able to go to churches later in life without being too hungry physically, i need school. until then, work has higher priority than church. just you wait...
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I assist every wed, fri,sat, and sunday 2x

Postby darkoon » Wed Jul 23, 2003 9:30 am

ummm...HELLO! umm, Im Darkoon, well, I assist every day noted on the
post subject. i love Jesus Christ, therefore it is totally unnacceptable not to go and stay home waiting for satan to attack like he does so much... besides, read hebrews 10:25. See?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 23, 2003 9:37 am

Hello. If you really want to get to know people, but a hello thread in the Welcome Area. Then we'll descend on you in droves.
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Postby majanthehun » Wed Jul 23, 2003 9:43 am

i go every sunday for both services (normally i work in the nursery at least one service), i go every wed night, prayer on fridays, we have picnics every sunday after second service, thursday nights we used to have an inductive bible study course at our church that i went to every thursday until the class was over, i used to go to youth group on monday nights but im not in the youth group anymore ( i graduated to "big people church") so i spend a lot of time at my church. i love every minute of it.
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Postby Aibou » Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:56 pm

Once in a month, now.. Because we sold our second car to the pastor. I think it's going to change soon.... :D
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Postby Jimmothy » Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:53 pm

Every Sunday for me :) .
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Jul 23, 2003 3:11 pm

I almost always go Sunday morning to the main service. I almost never go on Wednesday. I haven't really been to Sunday night service in a while although I probably should start going.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Jul 23, 2003 5:14 pm

Thanks to internal medicine rounding responsibilities I've been stuck in the hospital on Sunday mornings this month, but usually I'm at Sunday services, too.
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Postby Shinja » Wed Jul 23, 2003 6:45 pm

kinda different for me, im in between collage semesters at the moment so i cant atend the church i normaly would go to on sunday mornings at school, so i havent been going regular. but when im at school i try and be there every sunday
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:53 pm

Shinja wrote:kinda different for me, im in between collage semesters at the moment so i cant atend the church i normaly would go to on sunday mornings at school, so i havent been going regular. but when im at school i try and be there every sunday

I'm the exact opposite. I love my church at home and I have yet to find a church here at school that I really like. :(

Oh and exactly what is the difference between "usually" and "almost always" ? To me they have the same degree of difference.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:55 pm

I'd say "usually" is about 70-89% of the time, whereas "almost always" is 90-100%. But that's just me.
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:18 pm

Oh. Sorry. I meant usually as in more often than not. Sorry that wasn't so clear.
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Postby churchgirl111 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:30 pm

I go to worship the Lord every SUnday and i have a youth group thing at my school where we tell believers and non believers alike about the Lord within my school...IF i could drive i would be there as much as I could.....
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Postby Ashley » Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:42 pm

You forgot 2 other factors, OldPhil:
1. That churches start at different times. I usually leave for the second service, which begins at 9:30, but the most popular service at my church begins at 11:30. Others could be similiar
2. Our online roster isn't always active...sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes to realize you're offline. So that could have flawed your logic, but not by much.
Oh, and I go every sunday. We have no evening service, and wednesdays I either have work or homework, so it's harder for my family to attend.
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Postby Heaven's Cloud » Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:03 am

Usually I go every Sunday at 9:30 and we start at 10:00. I usually don't go to the wednesday services.
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Postby Battousai » Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:42 pm

I go every Sunday and Sunday night. Wednesdays, and when we have get togethers or church events. I like my church.
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Postby cbwing0 » Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:15 pm

I go to church every sunday. :thumb:
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:47 pm

I go Sunday morning and night and on Wednesdays if I'm off. A lot of other people request off on Wednesday so they can go to church, so I'm the odd one out and I work. ^_^

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Postby Zedian » Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:00 pm

I go pretty much every Sunday, up until Easter though the past two Sundays I haven't due to work reasons. When I am off though I find all the means possible to step into the house of the Lord. If I start working Sunday mornings I might be considering the night service.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:01 pm

Well, my dad is the pastor, so it really doesn't matter whether I want to go or not. :sweat:

But don't get me worng, the church is like a second home to me, and even if I had a given choice, I would go any time the doors are opened anyway.

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Postby Seiya » Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:18 pm

Every Sunday, Sunday nights for youth group, and Wednesdays for bible study.
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