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Webmanga ideas thread

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Webmanga ideas thread

Postby Straylight » Sun Oct 26, 2003 7:31 pm

How many of you own or plan to start a webmanga? I certainly do, once I've worked on my art skills for a bit. Perhaps we could have a story ideas thread.

I've got an idea.. a projection of Manchester in 10 years time, from a student's perspective. I could throw in a lot of my own experiences, as well as various made up stuff... The storyboard that I've drawn up mingles various completely different topics together.. genetics issues, terrorism, male-female relationships and Christianity. There are also some interesting multicultural aspects due to the international nature of Manchester.

Some of my art posted in the Art Corner is preparation for this project
Banner above created using my avatar generator tool.
You know you want try it.
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:38 pm

That's pretty cool!

I have a web manga. I'm not sure whether to call it a webcomic or a webmanga.... I draw in more of a manga style than in an "action comic" or "cartoon comic" style. My art style for it is somewhat of a cross between "manga" and "realism". I do my art in black and white (grayscale), like in manga, (though I like to insert the color red here and there, for dramatic effect) I haven't been much of a comics fan in my life, but I've become a manga addict in recent years, so that's where I get my inspiration from - so I guess I can call it webmanga. What I call it on its main page is an "online graphic novel" because the way I approach wrting and drawing for it is much the same as I approach novel and story writing.

As for mine, I've worked on it for quite some time. The version that's online now is a total rework. The original concept, many of the characters, and many of the plotlines were drawn in comic form before the current page - After about 80 something pages of my pen-sketch style... I decided I HATED the way I was drawing it... my style and character drawing had evolved, so, I scrapped the previous comic completely in favor of drawing a better version. As for the current comic, some pages and parts are done in pen, but it is mostly drawn in pencil - as I am good with pencil shading and I like the look. I do backgrounds and accents with computer photographic textures - like scans of objects and scans of photographs I have taken.

My webmanga's title is "Paper Eagles". You can access it in my sig. Like your idea of your webmanga taking place where you live, only in the future, Paper Eagles is like that for me. Paper Eagles takes place somewhere west of the city of Phoenix, Arizona (my area!) somewhere between 300 and 400 years from the present.

It's a sci-fi story, though looking at it, people would probably think it more of a fantasy, as the clothing and society structure is kinda-sorta Medieval. It's a world where the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth has been devastated by wars of an apocalytpic nature. The country in which my characters live is one of the many kingdoms in what was once "Olde Amiryka"... and the desert areas of it are, not as in the typical post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, not that way because of nukes and stuff... the area was mostly untouched by nukes - more devastated by biological weapons... it is desert because it is the Sonoran Desert! The landscape is in the timeframe of the comic much like it is today - hence my real photographs of the desert in background of many panels.

There are three races in my comic: Humans, Leonisks, and Haig. The latter two are animal-hybrid humanoids who are the decendants of genetically engineered soldiers created to fight in World Wars III and IV.

As for putting my faith in my work... I do. While the main character, who is a human, happens to be an Atheist/Agnostic sort, his adoptive family (as well as most Leonisks) are Christians. I use my main character to question aspects of life and faith, as he questions things, and I put little things about faith into the words of certain Leonisk characters. My main character is even followed around by a mysterious Leonisk monk who helps him out. (And this monk, as a strange gift from God, lives on a slightly diffrent plane of existance than the physical). He appears sometimes to help out my doubtful main character - and he can't explain him!

Well, I have fun with my comic. I hope you have at least as much fun with your story.
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Postby Chibi » Fri Oct 31, 2003 10:11 am

*points to self* I have a webmanga!! Wait... *counts* I have THREE webmangas!! ^_^ is my site!
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:27 pm

a good idea
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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