1. I have an old friend whose parents are getting divorced and its really taking its toll on him. He's getting really depressed and I just need as many people praying as possible. His name is Gabe and pray that the claws of depression will stay away.
2. A student in my class, probably the most loved and the most kind, was diagnosed with cancer in her upper leg. She has gone through many kimo treatments and has lost her hair and has had the surgery. We (as in the class) have grown accostomed to her half day visits and abscences. But we all really want her back. I went to visit her one day at Childrens Hospital and she looked so skinny and depressed I felt like crying all over again. She is doing kimo therapy again and is on a steady recovery. Her name is Jenna and pray for comfort for her and her family and that the cancerous mass will go away.
I've never posted here before but I felt like I was supposed too. Thankyou all. ^__^