I can't help feeling a little silly presenting a prayer request like this, but could you please pray over how lazy I've been getting for the past few months? I've never been much of a "get up and go" person, but lately it's been getting to be a serious problem. My schoolwork is really starting to look bad, I'm not taking care of the jobs I have at church like I should, and I've even been neglecting my relationships with my friends, all in favor of vegetating in my room doing pretty much nothing. Worst of all, my walk with God has seriously dwindled as of late, since I've done so little to maintain it. Prayer, quiet time, I haven't been serious about either in months and it's really starting to show. I've been yielding to temptations that, quite frankly, are just stupid, the least of which being the stuff mentioned above. I'm well aware that I need to pursuing my relationship with God more more seriously, but the thick layers of laziness in me have been smothering all my attempts to do so.
So, yeah, that's basically it. If you would, please pray for me and ask God to pull me out fo the sloth I'm in right now. I'd really apreciate it.