Hey guys! Angel here stuck in first period until further notice(which could be as late as ELEVEN AM!!! It's 9 right now!) Why? Because right now my county (Manatee, FL) is under a tornado watch. PLEASE pray for our safety!! We have portables and though no one's in them(they're all in the auditorium) they're still flyng death machines if a tornado hits. In any case I'm VERY glad my school's pc system lets me on here so you'll probably be seeing ALOT of posts by moi until I get out of here. *cries* Boredom! And it's my Digital design class too where I know NO ONE! but hey I get to post my art up here now! cool! ^_^ Well stay safe anyone in FL and pray that we stay safe too. Thanks you guys! 8huggles* And if any of you on here this early are bored, send me a PM or something......LOVE YOU ALL!
<3 Angel (who is bored)