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Two Weeks Notice

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Two Weeks Notice

Postby Arbre » Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:27 pm

Most people here have an understanding of writing in various forms, including formal/business, so I'm hoping some of you would be willing to share some of that. :)

I need to quit my job so that I can move to help a relative in another state.

What needs to be included in this kind of announcement to my employer? My manager is aware of the possibility of me moving for the reason I mentioned but she doesn't know that it is my final decision to go through with it.

I've been working at this store since November. I'm in an entry-level position, if that makes any difference at all for the letter.

I have a rough draft typed on my other computer that basically follows the exmple below.

paragraph one:
Anouncing that I need to move to help a relative with deteriorating health.

paragraph two:
Thanking for the opportunity to work and for the environment there.

How do I insert the dates into that? Do I just say "I'm giving you two weeks' notice today" somewhere in the first paragraph and clearly date the letter?
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:12 am

Just be polite and up front. I'd do a letter something like this:

"Dear (your employer),

I regret to inform you that, as of (insert date here), I will no longer be able to work for your organization. Due to family requirements, I am choosing to relocate and do not expect to return to the area.

I have enjoyed working for your organization, and would like your permission to cite you as a reference for any future employment.

Thank you for the opportunity to work for (insert name of organization here).


(Sign name here, with any contact information you desire)"

That should probably be the extent of it.

My best wishes for you!
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -- C.S. Lewis
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Postby Arbre » Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:37 am

Thank you very much, ClosetOtaku. :)
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