My sister needs some prayer. She's having a hard time finding a friend. Well..she has friends of course however...these friends are the kind that is bringing her down spirtually. And apparently she doesn't see that so when my parents say "no, you can't go spend the night at your friends house where there will be no parents and boys will be there", she yells and scream and accusses them of not letting her live her own life, blah blah blah.
She wasn't like this until she started hanging around these kids. One friend in particular has convinced her somehow that its cool to disobey your parents. Before Christmas, my sister and my mother got into a arguement that ended up getting physcial (example: my sister punched my mother in her face). Before that, she was talking to this friend who apparently (my mom eavesdropped), was teaching her how to make her parents mad and tick em off.
She has a history of making bad friends. One ended up ignoring her, one went psycho and we almost had to get a restraining order put on her in fear of my sister's life, and several other friends joined the aforementioned girls' hateful cause against my sister. Even in youth group, thier's kid who resent her and one, though not pyscho, is not helping the situation by trying to force her to leave YG.
Th eonly really good an dhonest friend she has is a girl at church who lives 15 minutes away in a slummy neighbordhood with a abusive, alchoholic dad who hates her. She has had good friends before but every single one of them has moved away, all her christian "friends" resent her, and all her non-christian friends are trying to make her stumble in her walk and it's frustrating for us.
Sorry for the long explaination but please pray. We don't want to resort to home-shooling cause she would hate us even more for that but we want her to mak some good, honest Christian friends that 1) wont move away 2) resent her and 3) pull her down. ::phew:: needed to get off my chest.