Please pray for one of my professors. She is my advisor in communication at college, the most wonderful teacher I have ever had, and a very special friend. She will be going next week for an interview at another college and will be doing a guest lecture for one of the classes.
Although I hate to see her leave the area (even if I'm graduating this semester), I know that she deserves a better position at another school. She has no room for growth at our current college, and this other school would help her move forward in her career tremendously.
She is a great teacher and very worthy of your prayers. She is my role model when it comes to teaching, and the person I hope to emulate when I become a college professor. Anyway, please pray that things go well for her, that her trip is safe (since snow is hitting us now, and will likely continue through next week), and that God's will be done.
Thanks, everyone!