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Postby soul alive » Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:44 pm

i am subject to having absolutely horrible nightmares. and every-so-often, about once or twice a year, sometimes more, i have periods of time when i have nightmares or incredibly bizarre dreams every night that prevent me from waking refreshed. and i am in one of those periods of time right now. it's really frustrating because i wake up just as tired as when i went to bed. i have tried a few times taking sleep-aid pills, but they don't work, and i do not want to rely on heavy duty medication to go to sleep every night.

i have been praying every night not to have these dreams and nightmares, but it seems that i am supposed to be having them. maybe it's because, if i would write their basic plots down, i would have good fodder for starting a fantasy manga or story or something of the sort. another possibility is that i am supposed to be doing something for God and am under fire from those who would want to keep me from it. but i don't know.

please pray that if these dreams and nightmares will not go away, that i will get quality sleep even with them, and that i may have the wisdom and discernment to handle them and possibly figure out why i am having them. thanks.

*if it comes up, i would be happy to share some of the basic plots, i just didn't include them right now for time purposes... ^_^*


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Postby Mr. Rogers » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:08 pm
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Postby Ssjjvash » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:09 pm

Okay, I'll pray. When you wake up from having a terrible nightmare, the first thing you should do is pray. I used to get these nightmares about things chasing me and they wouldn't stop, but I'd wake up just in time. My mom told me to pray and that's what I did whenever I had them. They did stop, so I know it works.
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Postby Shinja » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:19 pm

ive been through that before, ill pray for you
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Postby Syreth » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:01 pm

I will be praying for you. I would be interesting to hear some of the storyplots that are in your dreams. I've experienced the same things as well. Do the plots of your dreams relate to each other at all?
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Postby Rogie » Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:31 pm

Nightmares can be tough sometimes. I'm like you and sometimes get into a period of having a certain type of dream for a while; mine are usually just really weird and not scary, though.

Anyway, I'll pray! :thumb:
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Postby Swordguy » Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:40 pm

i don't know if i have ever had an nightmare...honestly i have had a few dreams and they would be intersting never nightmares though. well iw ill be praying for you
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Postby Felix » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:46 pm

I have felt the same way. I will pray.
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Postby soul alive » Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:24 am

thank you everyone for your prayers, they are very much appreciated, very very much.

and since it was asked about, some of the dreams' plots:

one pretty darn strange one that i remember fairly clearly involved a group of teens wondering around a medieval castle, and they opened a trap door in the floor and the stairs were made from the bodies of criminals frozen by an evil magician, and at the very last stair was the magician himself (for some reason, i remember his name being nilrem, merlin spelled backward...) and they hauled him out of the stairs, and found a string on him, that one of the girls pulled. he unravelled and fell in two halves, and a golden fur was in his body. the kids took it and started to leave, but the body came to life and the two halves started chasing them... freaky, i know; i was in third grade when i had it...

one that i am thinking about persuing further for something i might write in the future involved people being trapped in a freaky house and finding a journal in the library that detailed escaping the house through a jungle filled valley out the back door, but they had to be careful, because if they didn't follow the book, any other path they took would lead them back to the house.

others have involved a person with chameleon-like qualities recovering something from an evil over-lord, a girl with wings being tormented and having to carry heavier and heavier loads, a disintegrating house and someone going after someone else with a rusty pitchfork, a river race and strange men with masks who are hurt by musical vibrations, me being left during an evacuation because i went back to get mittens and took too long to find them.

and the plots don't quite relate to each other until after i start playing around with them and seeing how they might fit together for a story. but almost all of my dreams are bizarre.

the good thing is that i haven't had one of the truly terrifying nightmares in a year or two. after the nightmares i get,i usually wake up and have a few minutes of terror before i calm down enough to start talking and praying to God coherently.
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Postby Sphinx Rien » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:58 pm

Soul alive, I understand about nightmares. Many of my dreams are nightmares or turn into them. I will be praying for your rest and for your dreams.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:38 pm

i will pray for you. To be honest i havent had a nightmare since i was probably like 7 years old! No idea why, but i never had a bad dream. But you could use these nightmares and turn them for the better! Like you mentioned, a story of some sort
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Postby soul alive » Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:35 am

thank you guys for all your support and prayers. the dreams are still going on, and i'm feeling even more tired in the morning these past few days.

i am beginning to wonder if i may actually have chronic insomnia. i looked up symptoms and other information on the net this morning, and it fits closely what's been going on with my sleep. i am planning on going to the doctor on campus (since it's free... ^^) sometime this week.
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