bigsleepj wrote:I still feel God's "warm love" and I still dislike any sort of attacks on Christians, but I can't seem to justify it to my so-called "intellectual side" (a part of me I've never liked). These struggles have prompted me to sometimes wish I died as a baby so that I did not have to live through them.
I would encourage you to study up on the intellectual side of Christianity. Not only is it interesting, but encouraging as well. Throughout our cultural development in western civilization, there has been somewhat of a separation of "faith" and "fact," and what you said has reminded me of this. The truth of the matter is that our faith isn't based on mere sentiment or "feelings," if you will, but it was based on things that actually happened, one of the most obvious being the creation of the universe.
A website that you might check out is
This is the homepage for Christian Science Evangelism. They have great seminars and debates for download by Dr. Kent Hovind. Some of his beliefs are a bit extreme, but even so, they are well-founded and you won't find any heresy in what he teaches.
There are other sites like this as well, but can't think of any off the top of my head. I probably won't be able to post for a few days, so I hope this helps. I'll be praying that you will be established in the truth of God and not discouraged by accusations against Christians or the Bible. It's an intense spiritual battlefield; don't forget your armor (Ephesians 6:10-20).