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Biggest Anime Letdowns

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Biggest Anime Letdowns

Postby Debitt » Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:45 pm

I don't think I've seen a thread like this before, sooo....

What are some of the scenes in an anime or manga series that were just complete letdowns for you? What endings seemed so incredibly anti-climactic, or what fights were just so not what you expected them to be?

^.~ There are bound to be spoilers, so please use the spoiler tags ([spoiler*][/spoiler*] minus the *) liberally.

At this moment, the ultimate letdown for me would be showdown between Heimdall and Loki from the Matantei Loki Ragnarok series.
[spoiler]In the manga, they make the fight beautiful, and when I was flipping through it I was ECSTATIC to find that Heimdall beats Loki. However, closer reading revealed that Heimdall didn't win on his own terms - instead, Baldur, who was until that moment, absent from the manga, had taken control of Heimdall's body and helped him win. In the anime, the fight was again, beautiful, and I loved how they played Heimdall out to be somewhat of a delusional lunatic. Unfortunately, the entire scene was cheapened by Heimdall's use of magical attacks with corny names and Loki's constant lecturing to Heimdall about not 'giving up what you've found on earth' :shady: It could have been so much better, I tell you.[/spoiler]

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:50 pm

Hmm... I haven't seen enough anime to really know... Maybe when the art work and animation don't live up to the quality in the manga... Like Rurouni Kenshin... Watsuki-sama is an awsome artist, but the anime is only okay compared to it.
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Postby Kenshin17 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:58 pm

Akira. Nuf said.
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Postby Debitt » Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:58 pm

:lol: xD; amen to that, Kenshin17

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Postby Ashley » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:41 pm

Angelic Layer. I have to say I was kinda disappointed in how they let the final match go. I loved the series dearly, don't get me wrong...but the final match was such a let down to me. Who I wanted to win won but not in the way I wanted. Plus, they left a major end loose between Icchan and "Champion" :shady:

I did laugh when

[spoiler]Ohjiro hid behind Icchan[/spoiler]
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Postby Neo3DGfx » Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:08 pm

The ending of .hack//SIGN

[spoiler]It seems that Tsukasa has awoken, and she sees Subaru. They turn around and they almost touch each other.

But just before, there's static. And then that person comes on and starts talking about how she's there for you.


And I don't think the OVAs and Legend of the Twilight go over that.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:14 pm

Wolf's Rain. It was by the Bebop crew, yet turned out to be one of the worst animes I've ever seen.

Cyborg 009 had potential. I loved the retro designs and the concept...but, bleah!
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Postby agasfas » Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:21 pm

Love hina...

[spoiler]Nothing happens between Naru and Keitaro. You wait for an entire 26 eps, plus two movies.. and they still don't confess their feelings for one another. Heck I even heard from others that they didn't even confess themselves to each other in the OVA. [/spoiler]

It's a bit frustrating...
*waves fist in the air*
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Postby Sync » Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:26 pm

agasfas wrote:Love hina...

It's a bit frustrating...
*waves fist in the air*

read the manga, [spoiler]theres actually some resolution in it[/spoiler]

For me I thought FLCL, which everyone was bouting as the most hi-larious show to come out evar; turned out to me as being a total waste of three hours. and then there was Blood: The Last Vampire, so much potential but its not even 50 minutes long!
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Postby Chaps » Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:43 am

Definitely ones mentioned above- Akira and Love Hina/Again (the manga is much better)

Bleach was a letdown for me after the first episode (maybe I should give it a second chance?), and I lost interest in it. I mean, it's starting to become the next bandwagon (Naruto) anime, yet I found the plot to be kind of cliche and extremely convenient for a character with the convenient characteristics to fullfill his role, with little explanation how or why.
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Postby Esoteric » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:35 am

I'd have to agree with Wolf's Rain...the whole series was a bit of a let down, for me. And Last Exile...I so loved the first part of the series, but then the ending felt like it all just unravelled in mediocracy.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:52 am

His and Her Circumstances. The story should end because it's over, not because the production company doesn't want to fund it anymore. Animating the last episode on lined notebook paper was a hoot, though.

Other beef includes letting the main theme of the show decay until nothing is left but the carnal underbelly, and setting up a compelling side story only to let it drop off the face of the earth.
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:13 am

Gungrave- it's slow, boring, and just plain dumb. "Grave...Beyon za Grave"

Evangelion- Shinji is a whiny putz. Get over the teen angst already.

Raxephon: The Movie- All they did was take significant scenes from the series and splice them into a two hour movie. Poor editing transforms a mediocre series into a bad movie.
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Postby Kura Ookami » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:40 am

The ending of the tv series of evangelion. I just didnt like it at all and the series was really good until that point.
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Postby Nate » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:57 am

The whole Nuku Nuku DASH! series. I LOVED the original Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, but DASH! was a travesty to mankind and an insult to Nuku Nuku fans everywhere.

Speaking of anticlimactic fight scenes, the final fight between Vash and Knives in Trigun. I didn't mind how it ended, but the fight scene itself was just boring and uninspired.

Ah...the ending to Saber Marionette J to X. When asked which one of the three marionettes Otaru wanted for his wife, Otaru responded...well, we don't know how he responded, because his answer was drowned out by the background noise so we never heard it...even though apparently the marionettes did.

BOOO! BOOO! Overused plot device! Let us know who he chose!

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Postby CDLviking » Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:03 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Speaking of anticlimactic fight scenes, the final fight between Vash and Knives in Trigun. I didn't mind how it ended, but the fight scene itself was just boring and uninspired.

I agree. Here we have the two most powerful beings on the planet facing off, and all we get are the same moves we've seen before. We know that each of them has more to them than just their guns, let's see something interesting and new.

Rurouni Kenshin after the Kyoto Arc was a bit of a let down.

I was also disappointed by the total lack of a conclusion to the Ranma 1/2 anime, but it did get me into manga, so some good did come from it.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:10 pm

Chobits: the manga rocked, but the anime was so crammed full of added extra fluff that it felt horribly paced. they didn't even get to events in manga volume 3 until like around episode 15 or so. The ending was also different than the manga and it had THREE recap episodes!!

X: The manga totally rocks, it's one of the best manga series EVER, and the movie isn't that bad, but the TV wasn't horrible, but I was just expecting so much more. All the fight scenes lasted about 2 minutes or less and the show was too slow paced earlyer on and then seemed to rush through the second half. It needed to be a few episodes longer, so they could get a less rushed ending. Also, the show felt way too "safe". I know they had to cut a lot of the blood and stuff from the manga so it could air on TV, but the fights scenes also seemed much less intense and "epic". There weren't as many exploding buildings as the manga ^_^. In the manga I think you really get the feel that this is an epic struggle for the fate of the world, with all the desturction raining down, but in the anime it just felt like a bunch of super heroes sitting around and talking for 24 episodes, and ocasionally having short fights with the villians.

Yugioh was cool, but I really wished they had resolved the relationships between Yugi/Anzu and Jounouchi/Mai.

The second season of Steel Angel Kurumi was disapointing in everyway. the ending sucked and they turned it into a yuri show ><

Love Hina Again does resolve the relationship between Keitaro and Naru, but it doesn't go as far as the manga.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:14 pm

Rurouni Kenshin after the Kyoto Arc and the anime version of Love Hina (besides the Christmas movie) was a big letdown to me. As well as the ending of Hellsing was a little letdown.

I actually enjoyed (and understood) the ending of Evangelion :lol:
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:04 pm

Outlaw Star. I like it untill last ep and since then I have never watch it again.

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Postby Joshua Christopher » Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:36 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Speaking of anticlimactic fight scenes, the final fight between Vash and Knives in Trigun. I didn't mind how it ended, but the fight scene itself was just boring and uninspired.

Name one Trigun fight that was actually good. I didn't think ANY of the battles in Trigun were even decent, I just loved Trigun because of the characters, story, and that the fights had a purpouse.... even if they weren't very good.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:46 pm

Mobile Suit Gundam 0083. I am a huge fan of Wing, Seed, and the original Mobile Suit Gundam, but I don't even think this was worthy of the title "Gundam."
Lesson Learned: If you love some series in a long-running franchise, don't jump to the conclusion that every series/game that boasts that title will automatically be good. *cough, cough Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, cough, cough*
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Postby MasterDias » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:24 pm

CDLviking wrote:I agree. Here we have the two most powerful beings on the planet facing off, and all we get are the same moves we've seen before. We know that each of them has more to them than just their guns, let's see something interesting and new.

I third that. That battle seemed rather anti-climatic or whatever...
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Postby nightblade » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:36 pm

LOL. Amen heero on FFCC. I thought the One Piece anime was INCREDIBLY disappointing. The manga is so funny and well-drawn. The anime is so sloppily and poorly done it's simply DISGUSTING beyond any word I would say. *shudder*
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:59 pm

I second the FFCC. Awesome water graphics and I liked the music but I was hoping for a classic final fantasy game...not something it isn't.
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Postby Nate » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:36 pm

Impact Alberto wrote:Name one Trigun fight that was actually good. I didn't think ANY of the battles in Trigun were even decent, I just loved Trigun because of the characters, story, and that the fights had a purpouse.... even if they weren't very good.

Actually, I thought a lot of the fight scenes in Trigun were actually quite good. They were not necessarily "action-packed," but they were good. For example, the final fight between Vash and Legato. It wasn't action-packed by any stretch, but it was a very good fight scene. However, the one between Vash and Knives was just...boring. I wasn't on the edge of my seat like I was with a lot of the fights (Legato ESPECIALLY), and I was just going..."What, that's IT?!"

Could've been SO much better. That's all I'm saying.

Oh, yeah, and Gundam Seed. I liked Wing, Wing was awesome. But I tried to watch Seed and I was just...bleh. It sucked. One of the worst anime series I've ever seen, IMO. Like I said, I LOVED Wing, so it isn't that I don't like Gundam. It just wasn't good.

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Postby CDLviking » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:47 pm

Impact Alberto wrote:Name one Trigun fight that was actually good. I didn't think ANY of the battles in Trigun were even decent, I just loved Trigun because of the characters, story, and that the fights had a purpouse.... even if they weren't very good.

The fight scenes may not be action packed, like say Cowboy Bebop or Tsukikage Ran, but they usually had a twist, like a new ability revealed, or overcoming one of the Gung-ho guns abilities. The final battle was a simple straightforward gunfight with no frills.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:45 pm

Yeah, the Tigun ending really let me down. However, the double angel arms and wolfwood was sweet...I prefer the starting of the anime or the gung ho guns part.
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Postby Debitt » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:24 pm

*pokes head in* xD; Oh yeah, forgot to put this when I first posted, too: don't let anything here degenerate into petty arguments. ^.^; People's opinions are their opinions and it's probably not meant to be a personal attack. So be nice, pwease. =O; Not that anything's happened yet, but just a friendly reminder.

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Postby Ashley » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:29 pm

Trigun definately let me down. I was like "that'"
Oh, and Fruits Basket!! I was so devestated to have raised more questions than it answered, and it was the last dvd! But then I heard it wasn't even through running in Japan, so while I was a bit miffed I was ok.
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Postby Arnobius » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:29 pm

I think the most disappointing endings to series would include Outlaw Star (hey! Let's all act out of character!)
3X3 Eyes (Let's waste the audience's time with a story arc that goes nowhere!)
Ceres[Spoiler]So..., she didn't really hate her brutish husband, but just wanted to make him jealous?[/spoiler]
Sailor Moon R[spoiler]OKAY Already! We already figured out who Dark Lady is, so can we get on with it?[/spoiler]
You're Under Arrest The Motion Picture
[spoiler]If the Chief had told somebody that he knew what was going on, a lot of destruction could have been avoided[/spoiler]
Tenchi: The Movie
[spoiler]Fight the bad guy THREE times at the ending? Wake me up when it's over...[/spoiler]
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