Hey guys. I've been feeling really depressed lately for reason's I don't know, and I've been having a lot of family problems as well as financial troubles. My two brothers (one's extremely rebellious and the other is overly sensitive about things and only is happy if everything goes his way, and he doesn't care if others are miserable from it...) have been doing everything in their power to make my life a living hell, and my parents are usually backing them up when I tell them to leave me alone,cause my brothers are good at lying... it's hard being the little-ist. As well, I asked my mom for a new jacket, cause my old one's really tattered and useless. Instead I got a hand-me-down from me older brother and I hated everything about the jacket, plus, it was too small. I asked my mom for a new jacket again, and she said "fine, we're made out of money" and I bluntly replied, "yup, we are!" well... THAT was the wrong thing to say obviously, and got in a heap of trouble. Then my mom finally told me the truth why I always get hand-me-downs and why we have to be so economical because we are almost flat broke. My mom and dad are scared that BC-Hydro is going to cut off our electricity everyday, and if it wasn't for our relatives, we wouldn't have food, or presents at Christmas and Birthdays and such. Plus, my dad's only making 9.50$ and hour and he works like 5 days a week max or something like that... *sigh*
Well I just told you a whole bunch of stuff that you probably didn't want to hear... like I said it's very hard being the little-ist and having all of your family out to make life miserable... I'd like some prayer, and support, please. At least when we have prayer and I'm praying I can take comfort in the fact that God is listening and he is in control. He's supplied us with food and water everyday and warm clothing, our family needs work though.
Please pray for us, cause it's hard for me to handle, and I don't like the stress, and I'm pretty sure my parents don't like it either.