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LOTR Creature help

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LOTR Creature help

Postby Hitokiri » Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:40 pm

This will become a picture thread fairly soon.

Me and my friends plays a Lgsord of the Rin paper and pencil RPG game. We are planning to go across Rhun and across the sea to the Dark Lands (not Mordor) in search for the last Blue Wizard. So because of this new enviroment, they have placed me in charge of creating enemies to battle. I would appreciate any artwork or suggestions that would give me a few ideas.
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Postby Archan » Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:18 pm


Put dragons into your RPG, thing about J.R.T, he never put enough dragons into his storys, sure there was the Hobbit, but that was about it (Balrog doesn't count, that was a demon from the old world).....>.>

Hum, what else, perhaps Ogres, which are different from Trolls or Orc's or goblin men, then there's the Simarillion (SP? I know I spelled it wrong, someone help me out here) which was a collaberation of writings that Tolkein did on the World of LOTR which featured many other critters and such, most of them escape me at the moment, but there where a few.

Along with this though you could take other animals from mythology, the cockatrice, basilisk, things like this. Also, try to use sub-refference from the movies and such, Example....Gorn was a big catapult in the shape of a wolf that was partially set on fire to raid Gondor, but what if Gorn was based off a real critter in the Lord Of The Ring world, why not make yourself a giant fire breathing wolf? Then there's the Ents, they where beings whom sheppered the trees, why not have beings made of ice and such? Stuff like this will make making foes and such easier.

Hope this helps some,
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Postby Hephzibah » Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:28 pm

Put dragons into your RPG, thing about J.R.T, he never put enough dragons into his storys, sure there was the Hobbit, but that was about it (Balrog doesn't count, that was a demon from the old world).....>.>

There are quite a few dragons in teh Silmarillion... though unfortunately Smaug (the Hobbit dragon) was the last one. :P Although, fighting dragons is rather fun, so Im sure everyone will overlook that minor detail :D
O, and Balrogs are rather like Sauron... they are maiar. Same as those giant spiders (eg Shelob, Ungoliant). Have alot of spiders! They are creepy.....
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:30 pm

Well so far we have
6 types of orcs in that area
3 types of trolls
Hell hawk (Fell beats but of lesser nature)
and spiders larger than Shelob

Where our roleplay is going is near Ocarini Mountains, the area where the Elves first woke up. Than going across Iner Seas into the Dark Land near the Walls of Sun. We are thinking of creatures that were alive since the elder creature is a evil Maiar that left Morgoth and has been battling Ulmo for a while. It took a large shark/serpent figure.

As for the Dragons, allt he dragons have died, Smaug was the last. However, we could add "cold drakes" and "were-worms" which were creatures Tolkein mentioned about but never actually wrote about specifically. They bore some resemblence to the ancient dragons.

As for Grond, that was named after Morgoth's weapon he used to fight Fingolfin but to what they carved it from, I'm not sure. I think it was just to a regular wolf.
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Postby sonichiro » Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:26 pm

how about a creature that sleeps among the waters and the ocean shores, a creature rumored to be a forgotten demon that had slipped out of memory and knowledge for thousands of years, but something has awakened it, it hears the breathe of the last blue wizard and it craves it. a creature that travels on the wind....a creature like no other.....beware the water.......
p.s. have you ever reak any of the spider-wick chronicles by tony di terlizzi and holly black?? there kinda for youger kids who are like ten but i don't care i love them! look for some stuff in there, there might be some creatures you could use.
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Postby sonichiro » Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:44 pm

i just did a search for you, try gareth longs encyclopedia of monsters or the tolkein encyclopedia devoted to monsters of darkness, just type those in at and they will show up.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:35 pm

Hitokiri wrote:This will become a picture thread fairly soon.

Me and my friends plays a Lgsord of the Rin paper and pencil RPG game. We are planning to go across Rhun and across the sea to the Dark Lands (not Mordor) in search for the last Blue Wizard. So because of this new enviroment, they have placed me in charge of creating enemies to battle. I would appreciate any artwork or suggestions that would give me a few ideas.

Off topic perhaps, but I have to ask: Is this that old old game from ICE made in the 80's, sort of a simplified version of the "Arms Law" game? Brings me back many years...
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