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a song of desperation

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a song of desperation

Postby Camuel » Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:45 pm

I wrote this as a song when I was going through quite a tough time. Hope you like it.

Here I am
Waiting for your quiet voice.
I long to see your face
I want to feel your holy presence.
Can it be that you will wipe away my tears?
Can it be that you will heal a broken heart like mine?

Jesus Jesus I adore you,
Hear me now I pray,
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
Fill me now today

Here I am
Kneeling down alone with you
To bring you all my darkest fears
And deepest sorrows.
Call my name, speak to me and I will answer
Come my Lord, Fill me with your everlasting power

Jesus Jesus I adore you,
Hear me now I pray,
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
Fill me now today

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Postby sonichiro » Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:58 pm

that was very inspiring, i feel like that way allot some times. i just feel like screaming"God where are you! lead me and i will follow where you go!"
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