agasfas wrote:No, but I've been meaning too. My brother wants to purchase the series so bad, can't wait until he does
Question: is banner of stars (I & II) a continuation of crest of stars? Like adding more to the story, or is kind of like the many different Tenchi series?
That Dude wrote:I want to watch this but haven't gotten to it yet. I saw one episode of Banner and liked it so now I want to see the rest. Crest first...Because it is the first. So is there much bad stuff in it? Like a too much fanservice? It looks pretty clean but I've seen preveiws for ones that look clean but are really dirty. Like Miyuki Chan In Wonderland. The preview looked clean and I skimmed through the manga and it was basically Alice in Wonderland except with all the characters girls in their underwear. So yeah...
V8Tsunami wrote:I saw it on TechTV and it's not too bad. Some of the political stuff (aka who's fighting who and why) was a bit confusing at times, as was the talk about the history and bloodlines of the Abh race. The storyline was decent and the animation was pretty good though. All in all it's definitely worth watching, but nothing overly exciting.
Just my .02
Ami J. wrote:I've never heard of it. *ducks* Don't hurt me!
mitsuki lover wrote:to clear up a misconception the Abh aren't like Elves,they're genetically
engineered humans(or their ancestors were gentically engineered)also
in both the manga and anime Lafiel makes it quite clear that only the
Imperial Abh Family have the signature pointy ears.All other Abh have
normal ears.The only difference that can be seen between normal Abh and other humans is that they have blue hair.
As far as nudity goes there are only two seasons in either Crest of the
Stars and Banner of the Stars that I'm aware of,the one is the aforesaid
mentioned bath scene with Lafiel and the other comes in Banner of the
Stars after Jinto's cat gets drink spilled all over the bridge and they have
to clean it up and one of the younger Abh female officers is shown bathing the cat in the shower(she of course by necessity has to be nude when
doing it or else get her uniform all wet).
Actually if anyone is close to being like the Nazis in this series it's the
United Mankind.
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