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my grandma and me

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my grandma and me

Postby majanthehun » Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:42 pm

for those of you who have noticed, i haven't been in latley... here's why.

my grandma (the love of my life) has become more sick than normal. well, not become, we just found out that she was more sick than we thought.

her heart is working at MAYBE (on good days) 17% of what it should be. her doctor is forcing her to stay in bed at all times- she's not allowed to cook, clean, take showers- nothing. she can get up and (using a walker) move to the living room, but then she must sit down and not move until someone helps her back to her bedroom.

because of this, my mom, my aunt, and i now have to clean, cook, and generally take care of my grandma. that's no small task. because my mom and my aunt have families and kids to take care of, my family thought it would be a good idea if i moved in with my grandma (she has a spare bedroom).

after much prayer, i've decided to move in on friday. so along with my job, i will have to cook and clean for my grandma.

so my prayer request is that my grandma will be healed (or at least start getting better) and that i will be able to handle the workload that is being placed on my shoulders. pray that she will fight her stubborn nature and stay in bed, and that i will have the grace to be kind to her even when i've had a hard day. i love my grandma very much, and i understand that im doing this for her and i must remember to "do everything as unto Christ" but that doesn't make it easy.

so i won't be posting as much as normal, but i'm still here!!

just in case i don't get back anytime soon, God Bless and thanks for the prayers.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:11 pm

"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby Shinja » Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:21 am

sure thing, my grandmother has parkensens desease very badly, so my folks are taking care of her now too, so i know how hard that can be.
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Postby Spencer » Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:36 am

That must be tough, keepin up with a job. I'll be praying.
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Postby Razgriz » Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:20 pm

I'll be praying for your grandma.
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Postby Turbocat » Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:01 pm

Dear Lord please take care of majan's grandma and give her doctors wisdom to treat her effectively- and please be with majan and help her to keep strong as long as you need her to. In Jesus' name amen
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Postby Spiritsword » Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:58 pm

I will pray for her and for you, majan.
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Postby Rashiir » Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:21 pm

I'll pray for you and your grandma...
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Postby majanthehun » Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:39 pm

thanks for the prayers!!

UPDATE: my grandma is doing better... she can now walk to the living room w/o a walker. but im still cooking and cleaning for her. we've been blessed because our church members have pitched in... they buy us supplies (because my grandma doesn't get much money from Sweden and i'm saving for college) so i don't have to worry about buying food or milk or other stuff. they also made meals for us and put them in the freezer so all i have to do is microwave them and we have good meals.

im sitll a little stressed, but now that i'm moved in i can relax a bit more.

the move went well except that i squished my hand between the door and my dresser so its bruised and painful.

other than that, things are well... thanks again for your continued prayers.
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Postby otaku » Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:06 pm

i shall as well
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Sep 28, 2003 6:04 pm

Moved in, huh? How do you find the climate by comparison?
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby Rashiir » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:15 am


the move went well except that i squished my hand between the door and my dresser so its bruised and painful.

You are really really ridiculously accident prone aren't you?
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Postby majanthehun » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:07 pm

*laughs* yes, yes i am...

ummm.... the climates kinda the same... my grandma lives just two blocks down from my parents house.

yeah, now that i think about it, the climate is the same. very the same. ;)
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