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Metroid Fanfiction

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Postby Icarus » Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:48 am

"A pun you have to explain isn't all that funny." Unfortunately, I missed it too.

On the up side, I loved when Tal was messing with David :)
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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:16 pm

mastersquirrel wrote:Tal Aran was the funniest thing!
mastersquirrel wrote:Veronica is dead! Dear goodness she was annoying.
I had similar sentiments.
mastersquirrel wrote:I'm wagering it charges through the glass "containment" into the pompas officials' room.

Are you reading my mind, mastersquirrel?

Anyway, great story, uc!
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:14 pm

Sorry, no update until Monday. Meanwhile, I'll address a few things here. For one, do you all realize how close you are to the end of the story?

I am glad people enjoyed the previous chapter, and amused by the predictions regarding it. Not to say they are or are not correct, just pointing out that it is unusual to have people wondering about something I have created.

skynes wrote:UC, I'm 'hole'ly serious when I say I was trying to make a bad reference to the last set of puns based on the word 'hole'.

What pun I was referring to was your statement of "A cliffhanger... imagine that."

I was asking for the latter, but I suppose the former was inevitable.
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Postby skynes » Sun Dec 05, 2004 2:00 pm

UC are you going to write more Metroid fanfics?

Question 2: What's the next story you're going to put up here? I wanna read it too.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:17 am

In all likelihood, I will not write any further Metroid fanfiction. I apologize because that will disappoint you, but I do not truly know enough about the world to write extensively upon it. Nor, in all honesty, am I that big a fan of the game. Using the characters was enjoyable, but it will probably not be repeated.

My next story will almost certainly be a Naruto fanfiction that I am still working on completing (it should be done by now, but my motivation is lagging in the later chapters). Beyond that, I will be trying to finish all of my major fanfiction projects (I feel that I have better things to do), but there will still be a fair number of large works from me.


Chapter 27: Arrangements

Dodging a claw as it rushed toward her, Samus leapt over the tail that immediately followed. Momentarily she was suspended in the air near its head, and then she spun rapidly, smashing two kicks into the creature’s jaw. It stumbled slightly, but by the time she hit the ground it was already striking. Though she managed to dodge a sweep of its tail, the alien’s bulk struck her, sending her falling in a heap on the floor.

Before she could move its claws slammed down. Surprisingly, they did not hurt her in the slightest... but only because they were pinning her legs and arms, she realized. Great. This creature liked to play with its food. Hopefully it would end relatively soon. The massive head loomed over her, teeth almost gleaming in the light.

Surprisingly, Samus found that she actually had a few regrets. In the majority of her life, she had been ready to die and accepting of that. She had lived so that she would not be troubled by her death. But not now. There were so many things she never had a chance to do with Tal...

But the creature wasn’t biting her in half, it was sort of just snuffling her. The massive nostrils continued to sniff at her for some time, leaving Samus only to raise an eyebrow. For a moment the creature did not move, then it opened its maw and began licking her with a large black tongue. It was dry and tickled slightly, if a bit rough.

“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a bounty hunter?â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:17 am

Eventually she did find it, without too much difficulty. It was registered completely legally in one of the civilian docking bays, just under different identity codes. However, it was just a low level diplomatic procedure, and faking high level access wasn’t too difficult. Just the type of thing a bounty hunter could reasonably use if taking a job for the Galactic Council. Keeping the maps in mind, Samus moved toward the hanger.

That was how they operated, she reflected. Not so much through illegal means, though they certainly used those excessively, but mostly through simple, ordinary methods. All the corrupted members of the Galactic Council had been elected as legally as anyone else. Of course, they were funded by special interest groups and employed all tactics, just like any politician. It was truly a wonder that evil could work so effectively through good. Then again, perhaps it was not a wonder at all.

She boarded a mostly empty shuttle that took her back to the normal part of the station. There she found another shuttle that would take her far closer to her own docking bay. This one was filled with people, all going various places and looking quite busy.

None of them talked to her, mercifully. But few people were likely to approach a focused looking bounty hunter in a heavily armored machine of destruction. Standing in the back of the shuttle, Samus just waited for it to reach her own stop. Around her people officiously wrote on clipboards, made calls on portable communications devices, spoke in quite tones. Business as usual.

A group of wide-eyed schoolchildren got on at the next stop, and Samus internally winced. For one at the innocence pervading them that was so alien, and also because merely being in her presence put them in danger. Hopefully Mr. Divel would not try to kill her. Civilian deaths always annoyed Samus.

Their teacher told them a sugar-coated story about their government. Glossing over the people killed in the creation of the Galactic Council, the planets destroyed under a philosophy of preemption, the brutal politics that had shaped the Council into the machine that it was. But they were children... they had only so long.

Swiftly the shuttle reached a point quite close to the docking bay her ship was held in. The public transportation was really quite excellent here. Apparently a council member named Stevenson had put through the legislation that made these quite common. She exited the doors, and was given plenty of room in doing so. Over her shoulder she noticed a little girl watching after her with adoring eyes. Poor kid.

This part of the station was filled with bustling crowds. Not good. It quickly became obvious, however, that nothing was going to attack her. Instead Samus merely focused on reaching her goal as soon as possible.

It was surreal, unnatural. Just walking through these crowds of people all intently focused on themselves. None of them knew that most of the Galactic Council had been slaughtered. They were ignorant of the corruption that had spread throughout their system. Little did any of them know that death and chaos reigned further up the station. Hopefully they would never know.

Finding her docking bay, Samus discovered it was locked to public access. It took little effort to guess the reason. Instead of breaking or hacking the door in front of everyone, she prowled around the hanger to a better spot. There was a large library, and it was of course completely empty.

Finding her way to the back, Samus pretended to be reading a random novel while scanning maps of the hanger her ship was in. It also served as a docking bay, but one of the more protected ones. From the locked public door there was a fairly long hallway, then a large room, then the hanger itself. At the moment she was just to the side of the middle of the hallway.

So be it, then. Setting the book back down on the shelf, Legend of Link, it appeared, she glanced toward the walls. Checking to make sure no one was watching her, Samus brought out a laser knife and began cutting a hole in the wall. That would be incredibly obvious later on, but for now all she cared about was speed. Taking away the section of the wall and replacing it behind her, she did a half-hearted welding job. Good enough for a few hours.

The corridor was completely empty; the locked door at the other end was doing its job. Moving to the door attaching to the chamber, Samus switched to infrared mode and scanned it. A fair number of people in it, all standing very still. Checking for energy readings she discovered all of them were packing military-grade weaponry. Great.

Stepping away from the door, Samus began charging her right cannon to full power. Upon finishing she fired the massive sphere of plasma, which tore through the door and blasted into the next room. With her left arm Samus fired a grappling hook. It trailed just in the wake of the former attack, clamping onto the opposite wall and immediately pulling her.

Sailing through the air, Samus picked off a few of the guards with her right arm. Touching the wall, she instantly slid down it to avoid fire in return. After knocking off a few more of the guards, she was forced to roll left as they changed the direction of their fire.

Hand springing across the floor, she managed to get good footing for the first time. Immediately she fired at full speed, dropping the rest of the guards, seconds before a few of them reached for an alarm. Then abruptly the room was quiet, smelling with the scent of burnt air and scorched metal.

Calmly lowering her guns, Samus moved toward the next door. There would probably be guards in the next area, too, if she knew her opponents’ strategy. Most likely her ship was the only one in the hanger. Blasting the door aside, Samus entered.

Immediately she was on her guard at the sight that greeted her. There had indeed been a heavy guard present, but no longer. They and their weapons lay scattered about the floor, and massive portions of the floor and walls had been ripped away. Amidst all the chaos, her ship stood untouched and gleaming. Either there were aliens here, or...

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:18 am

“Glad to hear you handled things mostly yourself. All I had time to do was secure the ship area and make sure it was off limits to basically anyone. When we need to go back to it we can be pretty certain it’ll still be there.â€
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Postby mastersquirrel » Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:39 am

Very good action. I liked what happened with the creature and Samus.
Legend of Link... That was priceless. :)
I'm looking foward to Tal and TA0 fighting. This promises to be good indeed.
One Whole WEEK!! :( I'm going to go crazy! :eh:
I'll be looking for it UC. Again, great writing.
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Postby Icarus » Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:08 am

Of the many crimes commited in this story, the most heinous is the empty library. Admittedly, the Darklight Project is a close second, but an empty library is terrible.
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Postby skynes » Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:09 pm

A week. UC what do you think we're capable of? I'll be a gibbering wreck by the time the final chapter comes!!!

For a moment the twisted creature roared in triumph... and then the next shuttle smashed into its back, almost immediately bringing it down to the magnetic rail.

Now THAT was funny!
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Postby mastersquirrel » Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:35 am

Okay UC. It's time. Please post before we go mad. :) Pretty Please?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:18 am

Ah; thank you for reminding me. Please give me a moment to upload the next two chapters... it will take some time. This is it. The end of the story, and I can only hope it is satisfying. Most likely this is also the end of this thread, which has been the second longest Writing thread on CAA, and the longest in terms of the word count of the overall story (the lengthiest is Kesshin's thread, and she deserves the honor for the work she has put into it).

Without further ado... the end.


Chapter 28: Epic Level

Finally the shuttle opened at the proper spot. It was broadcasting an annoying message about the door needing repair, but Samus ignored it. Stepping calmly from the shuttle, she moved forward. The corridors here were quiet and clean, as if nothing of the battles elsewhere on the station had touched them.

Could it really be this easy? Samus calmly moved down the hallways, toward her goal. Could all of this really come down to just a final corridor? It would be terribly ironic if that was all it took. After everything that had happened, now it would end quietly like this.

Not that she minded. There was enough action in her life regardless, and she had the feeling it would continue even after this issue was finally closed. No need for any more battles to take place.

“Stop right there!â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:19 am

Both gaped, and in that instant Samus raised her guns. The edges glowed with a strange blue light, and the next instant discharged another chemical. In midair a vicious reaction occurred, violently changing something. Sensing danger, the female TA jerked away immediately, but her arm was still caught in the reaction.

Landing on the opposite side of the room, the female TA immediately cried out in pain. Glancing down at her arm, she discovered it was encased in a massive block of ice. So then, that meant that the bounty hunter had been...

Samus was already moving. The male TA had one of his legs encased in ice, which kept him firmly rooted to the ground. Ducking underneath his awkward kick, Samus fired another ice beam up, freezing the rest of him. From behind, her other opponent was attacking; Samus smacked her aside and then fired a fully charged plasma shot into the large block of ice, shattering the male TA completely.

Whirling, Samus watched her remaining opponent. The former human was up against a wall, shuddering slightly. Seeing Samus turn, she let out a roar and attacked. Massive claws ripped from her as she charged, aiming to sever Samus limb from limb.

Unloading from both barrels, Samus froze her completely, leaving one corner of the room a massive block of ice. After, there was a long, frosty silence as Samus stood alone on the battlefield. The air around her was filled with icy crystals, and there was ice coating much of the walls. But there was no time for contemplation now.

Breaking into a run, ignoring the damage she had taken, Samus blew away the door and moved into the next hallway. Time to end this.

Ducking beneath a claw swipe, Tal immediately darted a claw forward toward his opponent’s knee. Jerking his leg out of the way, TA0 swung it back the next second, aiming to smash Tal in the head. Weaving to the left of the attack, Tal used the momentum to bring his other leg up to smash into TA0's side.

Catching the leg before it could strike him, the other exoskeleton brought a claw down at Tal’s leg, aiming to break it. Jerking away, Tal twirled back through the air and then landed. They faced off for some time, both watching for the other’s attack.

With a slick motion TA0 pulled several spikes to his hand and hurled them. Before they were midway across the distance between them, however, Tal retaliated with a bolt of nega photons. His energy consumed the spikes immediately and struck TA0 in the shoulder. The red armored warrior stumbled back, then growled angrily.

Exploding off the ground, TA0 retreated to a nearby wall. There he paused a moment before blowing and unleashing a blazing column of fire. Let Tal try to overpower that! Eventually he cut off the stream, not wanting to waste any more of his nega photons than were necessary.

Only briefly did he see Tal before him, emerging from the shadows, apparently unharmed. Then his opponent spat and dropped back away. A clear liquid struck TA0's arm before he could begin to react. The next instant the acid began to eat away at his arm and TA0 gasped in pain. With a loud cry he sent the acid bursting away from his arm.

Folding his wings, TA0 plummeted down toward Tal, who stood calmly watching him from above. Striking with his full might, TA0 forced his claws down. Tal’s claws rose abruptly, blocking his attack. The two forced their strengths against each other for a moment, then TA0 flew back with a flap of his wings. Airborne, he began firing short bursts down at Tal. Narrowing his eyes, Tal flapped his own wings and rose to meet him.

They arced and curved, slashing at one another in a deadly but graceful dance. Barrel-rolls, loops and maneuvers impossible with only wings were executed, neither able to gain an advantage over the other. Eventually, however, TA0 managed to just barely touch one of Tal’s wings, and it pushed him off balance.

Instantly TA0 struck, claw slashing and deflecting off the black exoskeleton. The blow sent Tal down, and TA0 swooped after him. In midair he gripped both of Tal’s forearms, then sent him bashing all the way into the ground. Embedded some distance into the steel, Tal hissed slightly in pain.

TA0 propelled himself over Tal, aiming to smash his legs into his opponent’s face. Before he could do so, Tal’s wing clapped together around TA0, throwing him off balance. In that instant Tal broke free from his grip and burst away down the tunnel. Angrily landing, TA0 watched his opponent on the opposite side of the tracks intently. He did not see the glowing lights of the shuttle behind him.

Mere fractions of a second before the metallic craft hit him, TA0 whirled, grabbing the front of the shuttle with both hands while digging his claws into the metal at his feet. Instead of smashing into him, the shuttle flipped over him. Moving with it, TA0 brought it smashing down toward Tal.

Catching the shuttle with one hand, Tal noted that it was unoccupied. How fortunate, he thought, his other hand moving toward his mouth...

A raging inferno ripped through the shuttle and encompassed a shocked TA0. He fell backward, flaming slightly, and crashed heavily onto the tracks. For a moment he lay silently, then he burst to his feet, roaring in anger and sending melted metal and flames flying away from him. Seething, he locked eyes with Tal.

“I believe you were talking about a massive superiority earlier,â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:20 am

His cupped hands swung up to nearly touch TA0's face, nega-photons so concentrated within them that they seemed to glow with blue flame. There was a blinding flash that transcended anything so lowly as pain, and then TA0 knew no more.

Leaning heavily against the wall, Samus waited patiently for the doors to open. They did so with the slight hiss of hydraulics. Tal was already there, waiting for her calmly. His exoskeleton looked a bit battered, and he was bleeding and slightly scorched in several places, but to her he had never looked better.

“Is it finished?â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:20 am

“I had always wanted to believe there were still good people left in the galaxy, but I had always thought I was simply an old fool. But I was proved wrong.â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:21 am

“Yer, yer not human!â€
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Postby Anna Mae » Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:39 am

Ooooooooooo. Pretty. Is it really over :sniffle:? This is one of the better stories I have read. Yay for uc!
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:03 am

For some reason, the ending seemed very...anime.

Now I'm experiencing the kind of "aww man" feeling one gets when a particularly excellent story comes to a close.

I can't wait for your next story, whatever it is... ^_^

[raiden's liveJournal]

[color="Indigo"]"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you . . . stranger."[/color]

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Postby skynes » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:37 am

UC I loved this story. Sad it's now over...
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Postby mastersquirrel » Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:06 pm

Loved the story. Well written and nice epilogue. I think you even captured the pirate leader's personality perfectly. I loved it and I'm definitely going to be looking for your next one.

Great book UC. :)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:22 pm

Thank you all very much. I am glad that you all liked the Epilogue, as I was a bit worried that the gap in time would lose the momentum the story possessed. If the ending was "anime" I am not at all abject.

Until next time, then... whenever that will be.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:54 am

You read on If it isn't too much trouble, could you review it? Many people judge story quality based on the overall number of reviews, and as much as I may not like it one must work with the system.

This Naruto fanfiction has more hype than any of my previous works... I hope it lives up to it. I'm certainly spending more effort on characterization than I have previously have with nonoriginal characters. Right now, I must finish only two phases of the story, but it includes a great deal of conflict, so it might be some time.
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Postby Takuya » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:51 am

Hey... UCS... I'm the guy from who sed it was boring without Tal (Same guy who made the comment on the acid possibly not efecting him...), Guardian Dragoon. I'm gonna try again to find where I left off... But in the mean time...

I tried last night to draw a pic of Tal... Uhm... I need either a better description of him or an actual pic of the guy, 'cause it was bad... reall bad... I completely lost the picture of him I made in my mind... I'm gonna see what I can do now that I'm awake... (It was late and I hadn't been getting much sleep)

well... See ya l8er... lol... I'm gonna go draw now...

BTW, I draw manga... mostly faces, but I can add a body too... but hands... and feet... uhm... that's kinda embarassing... lol
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:56 am

Hm, this is the first legitimate gravedigging I have seen in a long time. I indeed read your review when you gave it, and debated trying to contact you.

Regarding Tal's picture, now, that isn't a simple matter. I have no artistic ability, and it isn't as if I can take a picture of him. However, if you want an extremely detailed description, I could probably provide that.
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:34 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Hm, this is the first legitimate gravedigging I have seen in a long time. I indeed read your review when you gave it, and debated trying to contact you.

Regarding Tal's picture, now, that isn't a simple matter. I have no artistic ability, and it isn't as if I can take a picture of him. However, if you want an extremely detailed description, I could probably provide that.

Good... I'd need something like this.

Race: Human race he is based on... like Asian] age."
Height: Again, please be specific
Weight: Again, please be specific
Hair style: Don't bother with color, I've read through to like the 15-16 chapter
Facial hair: Beard/ mustache/ none
Eyes: Color; slant; uhm... any other specifics... uhm...
Clothes: I'm going to do my absolute best to draw him.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:20 am

A template such as the one you posted is helpful indeed. I will do my best to give you sufficient details. Describing Tal without armor will be much easier.

Race: Caucasian, slightly pale skin.
Build: He has a thin build overall but with fairly significant muscle. However, his muscles aren't quite the normal type (given the exoskeleton over them) so they don't bulge in the same way that human muscles do. His back is unusually bulky, but this isn't readily obvious from the front.
Age: He's 24 and looks slightly older than his age.
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: He looks like he weighs about 180 pounds, but due to his exoskeleton his real weight is more to the effect of 240.
Hair style: It's a slicker, more Asian variety of hair. He somewhat parts it down the middle, but this doesn't really stay while he's leaping around, so it gets a bit tousled. He has moderately long bangs, but they don't reach his eyes, and in back his hair is a similar length.
Facial hair: None whatsoever.
Eyes: Pure blue. European in structure, American in slant (that is, almost none). Slightly narrower than ordinary human eyes.
Clothes: Well, I can give you what he is generally wearing. He wears light boots (that is, not combat boots) that have lines down the front and sides for his exoskeleton to slide out. His black pants, not quite loose, are similar but the effect is not visible; they tuck into his boots just slightly. His shirt (white) is the same way, though it is tighter, so it looks as though it might be lined. It has no collar and leaves his collarbone visible.
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Postby Takuya » Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:57 pm

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Postby Takuya » Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:59 pm

[quote="uc pseudonym"]A template such as the one you posted is helpful indeed. I will do my best to give you sufficient details. Describing Tal without armor will be much easier.

Race: Caucasian, slightly pale skin.
Build: He has a thin build overall but with fairly significant muscle. However, his muscles aren't quite the normal type (given the exoskeleton over them) so they don't bulge in the same way that human muscles do. His back is unusually bulky, but this isn't readily obvious from the front.
Age: He's 24 and looks slightly older than his age.
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: He looks like he weighs about 180 pounds, but due to his exoskeleton his real weight is more to the effect of 240.
Hair style: It's a slicker, more Asian variety of hair. He somewhat parts it down the middle, but this doesn't really stay while he's leaping around, so it gets a bit tousled. He has moderately long bangs, but they don't reach his eyes, and in back his hair is a similar length.
Facial hair: None whatsoever.
Eyes: Pure blue. European in structure, American in slant (that is, almost none). Slightly narrower than ordinary human eyes.
Clothes: Well, I can give you what he is generally wearing. He wears light boots (that is, not combat boots) that have lines down the front and sides for his exoskeleton to slide out. His black pants, not quite loose, are similar but the effect is not visible]
I tried... It sucked... I need someone else to do it first... that way, I can get a better idea... though, that is a good description... In fact, could you put a FULL profile up?

I'll post a character as an example.

 NAME: Kage Dragoon
 Species: Auroran
 RACE: Cloned Elite, Generator, Nano-borg
 PARENTS: none. Kage's predecessors are: Matrix Kage (Kage was created from Matt's archived DNA and then given his last name. Kage has all of Matt's characteristics, qualities, and powers), Katharine Kage (Matt's wife. Matt was never complete without her), and Koji Sato (Matt's 'other.' Kage gets his 'lone wolf' attitude from him, as well as the silver hair)
 GENDER: male
 AGE: 17
 HEIGHT: 6’ 2â€
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:16 am

Matrix Kage wrote:I tried... It sucked... I need someone else to do it first... that way, I can get a better idea... though, that is a good description... In fact, could you put a FULL profile up?

In the same format you posted? Not everything will match exactly, but you may also have meant something similar, applied to my story. I can do either one, but I wanted to make sure before writing anything, as I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time posting something that won't be useful.
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uc pseudonym
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Postby Takuya » Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:17 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:In the same format you posted? Not everything will match exactly, but you may also have meant something similar, applied to my story. I can do either one, but I wanted to make sure before writing anything, as I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time posting something that won't be useful.

same format...
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