Zip wrote:plus hollywood has no jursidiction or the internet, so it isn't up to them.
It's called Copyright laws buddy. Some files on peer-to-peer sharing are "legit," but everyone knows (you included) that 99.9% of the files being shared are illegal. I'm not justifying any sides because I myself have downloaded mp3's and movie files (imports/fansubs). ANd yes, legally if it isn't released in the US it still has a copyright on it. Peer-to-peer has it good and bads. For example:
I downloaded the first 3 episodes of Vandread. I liked it so much I went out and bought the whole series. So releaser profited from Peer-to-peer.
I downloaded a whole cd. Didn't like it. So i decided not to buy the music cd. So in fact, I heard the whole cd w/o paying. The company doesn't benefit.
All I'm saying is that if you enjoy something enough, go out a buy it if at all possible. Given somethings aren't released in the US.
So I can kind of see how Bandai is cracking down on illegal anime disruption, it can hurt them in the long run. Most people download them, then never go out and buy the series. Personally, I believe in peer-to-peer to a degree. Download the first couple episodes, if you like it, buy it.