JoyfulSongs wrote:I've never read the books, but I know that the theology in the games was interesting to say the least. Basically the guy tries to be a god. However, he is not a very good one--hence your presence there.
Actually, that's not quite right.... and the books delve into much of that for you (though some of it is covered in Myst 3).
The concept of the books written (such as the age of Myst) are more in relation to the Sliders TV series than "playing god".... it is, however those who thought to "play god" that are looked upon as being the bad guys.
The art of writing that is presented in the games/books make a connection to one of infinate possibilites in the universe.
There is quite a bit of story to the games, not as large or deep as some games, but it's still there. The books expound on things alot more, where the games are more active in solving puzzles and the such, the books are more naritive in showing the poeple involved, and in the case of the 2nd book, a whole culture that we only get glimpses of in the games and the 1st book.