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Postby Jhack82 » Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:28 pm

Firsat off, i did not see this on the do not discuss list and found no threads on this. It is currently coming out on DVD from geneon and is available on fansub. I watched it as it came out in japan via fansub. I was wondering if anyonme else had been watching it and their thoughts on it. I personally really liked it. it was a bit stagnant from 16-22, but Overall, i really liked it alot. it has been called berserk with guns and i can say that there is no nudity but the violence is very high, though the later episodes it is mostly fdantasy violence. Just curious if anyone had any other thoughts. Thanks!

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Postby snapdragon76 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:34 am

Jhack82 wrote:Firsat off, i did not see this on the do not discuss list and found no threads on this. It is currently coming out on DVD from geneon and is available on fansub. I watched it as it came out in japan via fansub. I was wondering if anyonme else had been watching it and their thoughts on it. I personally really liked it. it was a bit stagnant from 16-22, but Overall, i really liked it alot. it has been called berserk with guns and i can say that there is no nudity but the violence is very high, though the later episodes it is mostly fdantasy violence. Just curious if anyone had any other thoughts. Thanks!


I've been buying the DVD's as they've been released. I'm a big fan of Trigun so I thought I'd pick it up to see what it was like since it's made by the same guy. I really like it so far. Now, I know the flashbacks are important in establishing how the characters came to be who they are, but I hope to see more present day stories. Maybe they'll show up towards the end. I only have the first two DVD's so far and I hope to get the third one soon.

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Postby Retten » Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:32 am

Ah yes Gungrave rocked! I love the animation and characters. The storyline was also very good though I didn't like the ending all that much -_- I got to say Grave is one awesome gun fighter 0_0

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Postby Psycho Ann » Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:59 pm

Watched all the episodes.

It's really an action anime that truly surprised me. No, really. I'm a big fan of the Godfather series so it had more impact on me than I would have let it. I haven't played the game so maybe I lost some of the inner jokes, but regardless of the slow start in the series (IMHO), the character buildup was quite worth the wait.

I must say that I liked Gungrave better than Trigun in regards to attachment with character. Also the ending was bittersweet though I can't think of a better way to end it. It really left a big impact on me (not to mention I went through the whole series in two days, har har har).

The usual violence and mature themes warning, but other than that, I really recommend it. Especially for fans of mafia stories. On a side note, even though I love the opening music, the shot of the wall with graffiti I really didn't like for some of the phrases on there (cliche phrases, but annoying just the same). Oh, and for the first time in a long, long, time, I actually didn't like the semi-co star Mika. Slightly more useless than usual and her, "Tasukete, Gu-re-vu! Onegai! (ad naseum)" in a high-pitched squeal grated on my nerves. She's 13 (looking like 16) thrown into a mess but still, I think the makers could have handled her character better.
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Postby aule1701 » Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:50 am

I love this show i have all three dvds that are out and it just gets better and better hope it ends good
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Postby Retten » Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:28 pm

Psycho Ann wrote:Oh, and for the first time in a long, long, time, I actually didn't like the semi-co star Mika. Slightly more useless than usual and her, "Tasukete, Gu-re-vu! Onegai! (ad naseum)" in a high-pitched squeal grated on my nerves. She's 13 (looking like 16) thrown into a mess but still, I think the makers could have handled her character better.

YAY! I'm so happy I'm not the only one to totally dislike her. She had a good part in the story and all but really could have used some different lines and voice actor :hits_self I totally loved Grave's character he was IMO the best. It was also very odd for the main character to be as quite as he was but I find that I enjoyed it that way :)

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