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I can't view this file I downloaded through Bittorrent

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I can't view this file I downloaded through Bittorrent

Postby ZiP » Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:57 pm

I got tihs video, it's an AVI extension, and I'm viewing in WMP, but I don't see the video, all I hear is the audio thing!
What's wrong with this file, do I have to let the sound play all the way through before I can see the visual or something??
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"Feelings, emotions, they are good, but they cannot be Love's foundation. When of Love, these things last. When of romance, these things end."

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:59 pm

it could be encoded in XviD or something, I had a problem with that recently. unfortunately I can't help you much because I still can't get XviD files to play on my computer. :[
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Postby ZiP » Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:02 pm

How cna I tell if it's encoded?
--To Write Love on Her Arms

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"Feelings, emotions, they are good, but they cannot be Love's foundation. When of Love, these things last. When of romance, these things end."

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Postby inkhana » Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:21 pm

Try installing the program here.

Sometimes it will run video when other programs act stubborn...>.< Plus it comes with a lot of codecs already in it.

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Postby ZiP » Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:54 pm

I got it sorted out, I didn't have DivX, but do you think it's a good idea to d/l videolan anyways?
--To Write Love on Her Arms

"That time and absence proves - Rather helps than hurts to love."

"Feelings, emotions, they are good, but they cannot be Love's foundation. When of Love, these things last. When of romance, these things end."

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Postby inkhana » Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:07 pm

I have both installed on my system, I just didn't allow VideoLan to associate with any file types, that way it didn't become the default player. It's often handy to have another on hand just in case...^^

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
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Postby ssj2gohan61 » Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:57 am

download a codec pack or something... that should help or maybe try i think its called core video player or something like that
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:28 am

happened to me as well a while back, you need the divx codec, it should help
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Postby agasfas » Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:03 pm

I know! Goto
Then at the bottom left hand click the "Download and Links" button. There, you will find every codec from Xvid to Ogg format. You may want to give the "A-L Filter Pack" a try. It has almost every video filter you need to play any type of files. It allows you to play files (in OggVorbis format withthe *.avi extension); these files will let you choose to play it in either english or japanese dubs and ables you to turn the subtitles on and off. It's also a direct dvd rip. Also, this format is becoming more popular. Though my guess is that your just missing the Xvid codec; it's becoming a more popular way of encoding video files now days.

Edit: A bit random but,
Heres a tip if you don't like adware/spyware that Divx 5 gives you. Search the web for the divx4 codec, then download the latest Xvid codec (including the FFshow which is included in many filter packs) and install them. That in return will play all Divx 5 + files.
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Postby Blurb » Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:56 pm

There use to be a real good one called the gamr codec pack, but you can't seem to find it anymore. The A-L one is good though, it works well.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:06 pm
Download the Gordian Knot Codec Pack. It has everything you need.
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