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Blaze's Place

Postby Retten » Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:43 pm

ok well if you haven’t noticed i have not been on for awhile my schedule is very busy! but now every thing is going good and with my B-day done and over i got a comp and PSP and I will have a scanner hooked up soon so I am reserving a spot for my art work :thumb: oh and where does everyone get Photoshop from I went to get a copy and its $600 :wow!: forget that! also does anyone know of some tips for cg work since this will be my first time doing cg :dance:

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Postby Shinja » Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:50 pm

hey get open canvas its free and its pertty good for freeness

oh and if your a student you can get a discount on photoshop, im not sure what it'll cost with the discount but its somthing to look into.
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Postby StarMasayume » Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:11 pm

hmm.. I saw a place online that if you can prove you're a student, the discount was about 250. I'm REALLY trying to get photoshop. I'm thinking of splitting the price with a friend whose interested. Christmas works for me to... *mooommmyy.... dadddddyyyyyyyyy....*

Umm.. I find it hard to give help for CG work. One tip that I hate that I hear over and over from more experienced artists is "don't use the smudge tool"--my version is "use it sparingly." It's easy to get an unwanted blurry look if you use it too much or in the wrong places.

Ummm... working very large and then resizing the drawing smaller can sometimes help....

What kind of CGing are you interested in doing?? There's so many different techniques that I've seen digital artists used.

I've come across many tutorials though in my own quest to improve my digital art. I'll try to get some links together to post here for you when I can. Maybe some of them will help. ^_^ Most of the tutorials ARE for photoshop, but I've found them pretty help even though I don't have the program.

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