I have seen this film, and will now proceed to comment a great deal on this thread in general, as well as my own thoughts on the movie.
[spoiler=The Incredibles]I agree with JediSonic regarding the kid on the tricycle; good stuff.
This film was darker, but in my mind better for that. It obviously wasn't a child's film. I think that is best exemplified by the scene in which Frozone freezes the police officer. Also, while the sueing of superheros was intended to be funny, it mostly just seems terribly true. If there were superheros, that is what would probably happen.
The cape scenes are on the edge of morbid, but they were fairly humorous. Also, the first instant that Syndrome appeared on screen I glanced at my sister and said "He has a cape." Called it.
And when everyone is super... no one will be.
A good line. I am somewhat surprised that people think that Dash's original line was philisophical... but I guess that it merely seemed self-evident to me.
cbwing0 wrote:[spoiler]Of all the Incredibles, he was the one that seemed to have the strongest desire to help people, despite what the rest of the world thought. I was really impressed when he was being lectured by his boss, and his attention was focused on the person being mugged in they alley on the street below.[/spoiler]
He was also my favorite character, for similar reasons. Even working for an insurance company, he's still helping people. I did find the line "The law requires that I answer yes" humorous, but otherwise I was glad to see his boss get creamed.
I thought it was also interesting that they actually made Mr.and Mrs. Incredible have a fairly realistic relationship. Also, I liked the irony of the scene where they originally "meet" and both have a prior engagement... their marraige. Prior to that I was basically rolling my eyes and sighing at a cliche scene... but it was more than redeemed by that.
Personally, I thought that Syndrome was a good villain. Not because he was particularly cool or powerful (as he certainly wasn't), but for a number of other reasons. First, despite the fact that his motivations were stupid, he was completely ruthless. He killed dozens of superheros, silently and effectively, upgrading the Omnidroid when it was insufficient. Of course, any time you create a self-aware robot, it is inevitable that it will rebel.
Also, I thought that by making "Incrediboy" the villain the movie added a level of depth. When you first see him, it seems obvious that he's a comic relief character. No one ever thinks of stupid people like that as real characters, right? But this movie explored the actual effects on such characters of being scorned (However, I think that Mr. Incredible can't be entirely blamed. Given the fact that he risks his own life to save Buddy's, becoming Syndrome was still unwarrented).
From the beginning of the movie I called that the baby would have superpowers and that they would manifest later on. When it actually happened, I thought it was pretty good. Human Torch-reminiscent at the beginning.
My personal favorite humor moment of the entire film (easily): When Mr. Incredible is yelling to Dash "Go for 2nd! Go for 2nd!" and what looks like a typical soccer dad gives him the strangest look...[/spoiler]