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She: The Ultimate Weapon

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She: The Ultimate Weapon

Postby Shinji » Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:34 am

Anyone seen this anime? I bought it cause I thought the cover looked cool but after watching the whole series I really enjoyed it. I'm not too sure about the name because the anime covers on this side of the world is mostly in Japanese or Chinese so buying on cover looks is pretty big for me. It's about a girl who turns into a weapon to defend Japan. She falls in love with one of her classmates..........I won't give the end away just in case someone hasn't seen it. Its a romance/action. I highly recommend it. :thumb:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:57 am

*cough* I don't. I seen the whole series through and I just want to make a few pointers on my own point of view:

- starts off looking good, but as you go along the eps feel quite long and tedious and it feels like an hour's gone by before it ends

-I was expecting this very sad show and had great expectations for it, somehow it just wasn't as people said

-this one I'll put as a spoiler but is HIGHLY suggested to read, to know what your getting into [spoiler] There are sex scenes. Not like hentai, but since Shuji and Chise's "love burns for each other" yeah there are a few scenes of this. Heck, through most of the series Shuuji is just waiting to take off her clothes! Of course, Chise ALSO has relations with her commander who's like, over twice as much older than her! This is more offscreen through than the Shuuji and Chise cudling up nude and, well, you can tell soemthign was going on 0_o [/spoiler]
Seriously, that part got me blinking. It just didn't didn't feel like this "sad sad" show after that...

-the last ep is HORRIBLE! I dunno, maybe some would liek it, but it just didn't feel fitting! I'llstick a spoiler up for that too if any are interested [spoiler] The world ends and only Shuuji "survives". :/ Seriously, these random large weapons were shooting for the sky and Chise wanted to put an end to it all. So since she loved Shuuji so much, she destroyed the world and in the black nothingness, he still lurks. She "lives", but only as a glowing light. Going from a war show to a "destory the universe" thing :/ [/spoiler] Yeah, something was really wrong with that...
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Postby Shinji » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:11 am

Sad to hear you feel that way. You have to understand that Chise was under alot of stress and she was really confused. She felt like a "thing", not human. She didn't know where she belongs. I can't say the sex scenes were that bad not like you could see anything. You just knew that something was going to happen or was happening and there was no nudity as such. Think about it more psychologically. To me phycology played a big role. Anyway, that's how I feel.
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Postby shooraijin » Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:39 pm

Still, I think the point that Tenshi is trying to make is that they are there, clothed or not, and that this will be concerning for some viewers.
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Postby Hikari » Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:17 pm

Not one of my favorites, but not all bad. I dislike Shuji.

[spoiler]I did think the many death scenes were very sad, in a good way.[/spoiler]
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:18 pm

Am still working my way through it (next DVD to be released in November). So far, interesting but uneven. I kind of expect a modern "On the Beach". Guess we'll see.
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Postby Shinji » Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:38 pm

Ok. So I guess I should say that I highly recommend it to say.....18 and up? Didn't know that all the DVD's haven't been released. I guess it it's a plus living in China. I saw the whole thing.
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